TWO :: 두

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I swirl around in my desk chair, my eyes flickering over to the bright lights of Seoul that I can spot from my office. It's too bad that I can't be out there to experience it at the moment as I'm currently finishing off a report.

I learnt this after becoming an attorney; this is what lawyers usually do. We usually begin by stating we defend our clients for the following reasons. For example: Do you think I have tried going on a diet?

Somehow, my vision reverts to the mirror I have in the corner of my office and I stare at myself as I stretch. It's incredibly flabby.

Going back to what I was saying, it would be something like that. Honestly, I've tried many diets such as one food only diets, but that didn't turn out well. Most of the time, I ended up crouched over a toilet bowl, vomit spewing out of my mouth.

An actress known for her looks said her secret was raspberry tea; I ended up searching for hours going from tea shop to tea shop and yet, I couldn't find anything. Some sexy celebrity said her secret was to take two leisurely baths a day, but I ended up dozing off as I waited for the bath to fill up. My mop still hasn't recovered.

There's also something about dieting we all know. The best of all methods: exercising and getting a good night's sleep. These have never worked for me. But above all, avoid stress and be positive. These two, have ended up with me in sticky situations.

However, when diets become an utter waste of time, the pesky yo-yos tag along. That annoying yo-yo effect makes me cry.

I sigh, shaking my head and picking up my phone. It's probably time for me to leave and get ready for my date. Jimin will surely propose to me, it's been nine years. If not, I will probably complain about it another day.

I swipe up and begin to text Jimin.


ME: Where are you?

ME: Are you still at work?

No response. That's brilliant.

I decide to leave my self, preparing all of my things and walking out of my office and to the lifts in a separate corridor. I press the worn-out button as it glows red. Pulling out my phone, I check my face and smile on the black screen.

My god, do I look horrific. I try to act cute, giving a smile and a tilting of the head but it doesn't work. I instead press my fingertips against my non-existent dimples -- they are there, well used to be anyway -- and smile. Yuck. The words Jimin said to me nine years ago rang in my head; Your dimples are cute.

My phone begins to ring and I immediately pick it up, spotting the name.

"Hi. Why did you call?" I say, in the best sexy voice I could do. It sounded like a strangled cat.

"I have something to tell you," Jimin speaks from the other line, his voice sounding slightly electronic.

I nod. "I know. I know the place too."

He yaps on about the restaurant we're supposedly going to and tells me I'm going to have to go there myself. Typical. What a gentleman.

"Okay. Sure." I say, slightly annoyed as I turn off the line and putting my phone back in my pocket. "Tch."

A sudden twist happens in my mind as I think back to our first moment together, nine years ago.

OH MY VENUS | JEON JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now