1. The Two Hot Shots Meet

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"Khkjh" was what came out of his mouth in a half-hearted attempt to say something. What he had intended was "shit," but his head hurt too much to process anything.

Mookyul Eun pressed his palms to his eyelids to prevent any possible light from entering and making his headache worse. Had he had too much soju last night? He remembered nothing.

But even in his daze, one, anxious question hovered in his mind. Where was Ewon? Too many times he had woken up or come home to find that his beloved fox had disappeared into thin air, trying to escape the bonds and ties that came with their relationship. Too many times his life had become meaningless and hellish because Ewon was not there. He couldn't let that one precious thing in his life be lost again.

"Ewon," he finally managed.

A moment's silence left him feel like his blood had left his body. Something rustled beside him. All of his discomfort left him as he was notified of Ewon's presence. He could bear to open his eyes if it meant looking upon Ewon.

But a taste worse than death filled his mouth as he saw the person at his side was not his dear fox. The stranger's dark hair did not glow gold like Ewon's. His muscular form was not the slim, delicate form of his beloved. The stranger twisted in the white sheets and groaned in a deep, husky voice as he woke.

Mookyul remembered the torturous, sleepless night when Ewon had told him that their relationship was merely a business transaction. He had gone through countless cigarettes and unending seconds that night. But this was a different feeling. If what he saw was what had happened, he would not sleep for all eternity. Mookyul covered his own naked form with the blanket and closed his eyes, leaning back against the cold wall. He wanted no more to do with this world if he did not have Ewon.

The sound of shifting sheets continued as the stranger wandered into consciousness. Mookyul remained with his eyes closed, unmoving.

The stranger also had a headache and wanted nothing but the stabbing at his temples to stop. He opened his cold, sharp eyes and stared at the ceiling while reorienting himself. Where was he? Had he been drugged?

He felt a presence, motionless, to his left. Asami Ryuuichi cooly, but surprisedly, took notice of Mookyul. His grimacing expression was not to his taste, but the pale skin and young, muse-like form was not unpleasant. Asami could imagine having had him in the past, not now, because now he had Akihito.

But then there was the situation of both of them being naked in the same bed. The younger man was apparently shocked by it, so Asami made the first move.

"Who are you?" he asked the other.

He seemed to be unresponsive for the first few seconds, but eventually Mookyul growled back, "F**k, I'd like to ask you that."

Asami didn't like the younger's haughty tone. "Look at me when you say that."

Chillingly fierce eyes flashed at Asami.

"Like f**k I will."

So, he had not been drugged by this man. What was he called?

"Then tell me your name first, young man." Asami gazed back unflinchingly.

"Tch. Another sleazy old man. Mookyul Eun. You can't do much knowing it anyways." Mookyul's eyes didn't waver either.

Asami smirked. This Mookyul reminded him of Akihito. "Asami Ryuuichi. Are you Korean?"

Mookyul's eyes narrowed. "And you're a Jap? A sleazy old Jap. I would never want to do this kind of thing with you, so why am I here?"

"I was wondering the same thing. Except I can't say you would be out of my range..." Asami touched a tingling tongue to his lips.

In a flash of movement, Mookyul had his hand wrapped lightly around Asami's throat. "You won't get a finger on me, bastard."

Ignoring his threat, Asami continued. "So we both don't want to be here, wherever we are. Is there any reason the two of us would be here together?"

"Shut the hell up with your slippery politician talk. I just want to know where my Ewon fox is." Mookyul finished his statement with a look daring Asami to continue his smooth talking.

Asami's attention was caught. His Ewon fox? "Your lover?"

Mookyul tightened his hold on Asami's throat. Eyes growing even fiercer. "None of your business if you can't tell me."

Like a beautiful wild animal baring its fangs, thought Asami. He grasped Mookyul's wrist with a large, strong hand. Hinting at an amused smile, he said, "Do you really think you can take me on? With your size?"

"Says someone who's butt naked," Mookyul growled. He quickly moved his leg so that his knee was poised to strike at Asami's groin.

He really did remind Asami of Akihito, but maybe with more believable threats. "Alright. I got your message. Let's just try to straighten things up in a more civilized way."

Mookyul had felt the crushing strength in Asami's hand and knew, even if he did disable him, he himself wouldn't get away unhurt. He relaxed his hold but only slowly lowered his guard, suspicious of Asami's intentions. "What? I can't stand your kind's bureaucratic detours."

He had to want something else...

"So, this fox Ewon, your lover?" Asami asked him calmly.

This again. Was he one of his adopted father's men? Maybe. Maybe not. "What's it to you? Do you work for the chairman?"

Asami arched an amused eyebrow. "Oh? A chairman? I have my own company; I don't need to work for another one."

Mookyul felt himself relax a little. So he wasn't a spy. But then... "Why are you here? Do you have business with me?"

"I myself don't know the answer to that." He saw Mookyul's tense expression. "Ah, don't worry. I have a lover of my own, so I can understand you a bit."

Truth to be told, Asami had also often woken up to find Akihito had run off to hide in his friend's apartment in attempt to escape. But Asami always knew he wouldn't get very far...

"So that's why we're here, because we both have lovers?" Mookyul sneered sarcastically. "C'mon, Mister Big Shot. Stop changing the topic."

And maybe a bit harder to handle.


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