Yuna Starts Shit and Eomma Jin

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Walking to school was...interesting. The Maknae line decided to act like ninjas and spys. No idea why and I didn't want to ask.

They stopped when we got to school. Along the way Namjoon and I decided to go see Mr. Lee if we can be excused early to pack for this weekend. Him and I decided it would be too crazy to drive to Daegu day of and come back same day after the funeral.

"Ready to go (Y/N)?" Joonie asked. I nodded. "Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" Tae frowned. "I got her Taehyung. She'll be safe with me," Joon replied. Taehyung looked serious but nodded. I tilted my head in confusion.

Did I miss something?

I shrugged it off and turned around to walk to Mr. Lee's office. As soon as I turned I saw Yuna staring me down like prey. My eyes widened and I grabbed onto Namjoon's arm tightly.

"(Y/N) what are you-?" he started but stopped when he saw Yuna. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me so I was standing between him and Taehyung. There was a stare down among all of us with me looking scared as hell.

Yuna came up to us.

Oh lordt what's she going to do?

"Oppa? Why are you always with her? You know the rumors right? She doesn't talk because she thinks she's better than all of us. Come with us instead. We aren't rude like her." She grabbed into Taehyung's wrist and attempted to pull him away from me.

Say what now?

Tae pulled his arm back and stared at her with the most terrifying look I have ever seen.

"You're the one who started those rumors Yuna. Leave me alone. Leave my friends alone. And especially leave (Y/N) alone. You're nothing but an insecure bitch who has nothing better to do but me mean to others. Fuck off." With that Taehyung walked away pulling me and Namjoon with him.

I looked back at Yuna and she glared at me and mouthed "you're dead." My eyes widened and I quickly turned back around and went to the principal's office.

I'm scared. Will she actually try to kill me? Is it just an empty threat? What should I do?

I really hope we can leave early and get away from this place for a while.

We got to Mr. Lee's office and knocked. He opened the door and smiled at us. I gave a weak smile back.

"What can I do for you kids?" He asked warmly. "We have something to ask you, sir," Namjoon said politely. Mr. Lee opened the door wider and let us in. Taehyung held my hand and kept me close to him.

I can practically feel his anger towards Yuna radiating off of him.

We sat in the chairs in front of the desk. Mr. Lee sat behind his desk and smiled at us. I like him. He's a nice principal. He seems to genuinely care about his students.

If only he knew.


"What would you like to ask, kiddos?" Mr. Lee says looking at us.

*cringe* please don't call me that.

I decided to speak up. I mean this is my family matter. I have to be the one to ask right?

"T-the funeral is this S-Sunday and my aunt in-invited the boys to go. We were wondering if we c-could leave early today to p-pack and...." I trailed off.

I feel sadness again but also embarrassment because whY DID I HAVE TO STUTTER???

For fuck sake  (Y/N) get it together!

Mr. Lee looked at me with a face of what could only be pity. I sighed and looked down at my shoes. I mentally face palmed.

"You all may leave at lunch. Please be safe on your way to Daegu. I'll write passes for all eight of you," Mr. Lee says softly.

I look at him and immediately bow. "Thank you so much, sir," I whisper. He must not have heard me because Taehyung chuckled and said "she says thank you, sir." I hear giggles from everyone. I blushed in embarrassment.

Mr. Lee wrote the passes and said gave Tae, Namjoon and I ours. He said he would personally find the others and hand them theirs. We thanked him again and went off to class. He wrote passes for us being late as well. Mr. Lee really is nice.

*Time skip brought to you by Jungkook's haIR OH MY GOD*

We are back at home now. Packing. I really hate packing for things. I always pack way too much. Like I know I'm only going to be gone until Monday and only need three outfits. I pack for damn near a month anyway. You never know what will happen!

When I was done I sat down and sighed.

Can I really face seeing them? I don't know if it will be an open or closed casket. Can I do this? I didn't even get a proper goodbye. I teared up thinking about it.

"(Y/N) dinner is ready..." Jin began to say while knocking on my door. He stopped when he saw me crying. He came over and sat next to me and pulled me into him so my head is on his shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and cried.

"Shh it's alright, honey. It's okay. I know it's hard but you will get through it. We will help you," Jin whispers while stroking my hair.

He reminds me of my Eomma. I smiled through the the tears at the thought.

I cried it out and Jin was there the whole time. When I finally calmed down I sighed heavily and pulled back. Jin gave me a gentle smile and handed me a tissue.

Where the hell did he get that from? I took it anyway and wiped my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Jin," I apologized in a weak voice. He shook his head. "No need to apologize (Y/N). You needed that. We're here for you. It's okay to be sad. It's okay to cry. It doesn't mean you are weak. It means you care."

Wow. Deep.

I smiled and nodded. He ruffled my hair and stood up. "Now. Dinner is ready. Go wash your face and come eat."


Jin's POV

This poor girl. She needs all the protection. I hope Taehyung can handle her. He's been doing good so far, but Yuna is a sneaky snek.

I let (Y/N) cry her eyes out and when she finally calmed down I talked to her. I really sounded like a mum.

No wonder the boys call me Eomma.

I handed (Y/N) a tissue from the small pack I keep in my back pocket. She wiped her eyes. Then I told her dinner is ready and to go wash up.

As I was leaving she softly spoke. "Thank you Eomma Jin."




I turned around and ran back to her. I crushed her against me in a tight hug. "From now on I am your Eomma. You are the only one allowed to call me that. Got it?"

I felt her nod. I released her and she took in a deep breath.


I hugged her too hard.

I turned around and walked out. I need to make sure the food isn't cold.

Time to eat!

This ending blows. I didn't know how to end it though. Hope you enjoyed anyway Saranghae 💖

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