Last Day of School

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Hello I'm suhana and I am 16 years old. I study in Mary Rose High. Today is my last day at school and after tomorrow I'll be a senior.

Right now I am waiting for my boyfriend here at our usual meeting spot but he is nowhere to be seen. Aggh he can be impossible sometimes. 

My trance broke when someone tapped on my shoulder and I jumped in shock. When I recovered I saw Arsh looking at me intently. I shook my head and went to his car and indicated him to start the car.

Right now  I am standing in front of my class thinking about our lives ahead . God knows what will happen with us in future. Then my friends rushed to me and I became engaged in listening their future plans.

Right now I'm waiting in parking lot for my dear boyfriend but he is again nowhere to be seen . After sometimes I saw him coming and I rushed to him for a hug but he didn't responded to my hug and I asked him " What happened Arsh? " He didn't responded and suddenly started saying that he can't be with me as I am not his type and how I'm some high school fun for me. My eyes started stinging from tears and I ran towards an unknown place.

A bright light radiated from window crack falling directly on my eyes. I squinted my eyes and covered it with my hands. Suddenly a heavy footstep started coming towards me and I tried to adjust my eyes to see the person coming towards me. I saw a 6' 2" man in his late 40s coming towards me.
I saw myself in a cell looking room with all white interior. I sat up straight and asked "Where am I and who the hell are you and also why am I here ?"

He told me annoyed by my continuous questioning "I'm Rashid Ali Khan and the owner of a world's famous and dangerous mafia gang".

"Why am I here and who brought me here ? " I asked getting frightened.

"He told To train to to be our professional Mafia Princess."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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