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"So I was looking up sex online and-"

"Wait what?" Phil chuckled Dan just pouted. The older boy gave a sympathetic expression to the boy in front of him, dressed up so cute and innocent in a white skirt with black kneesocks and a light blue crop top. He really was as cute as a button, and unfortunately for Dan, it was funny to Phil to see such a cute little thing talking about sex. 

"Don't laugh!" Dan felt his face heating up and crossed his arms while pouting harder. Phil gently placed a finger underneath the boys chin and slightly lifted his head.

"You're just too cute, sweetheart, that's all." Dan cocked his head and narrowed his eyes. He was starting to wonder why he even asked Phil over today. Especially since last night in his bed he did that dirty thing thinking about the man sat in front of him.

"So me being cute is funny?" Phil grinned and placed a gentle kiss on the boys forehead.

"That's not exactly it. Just continue with your story, baby." Dan crossed and uncrossed his ankles, feeling flattered with the nickname.

"Well... I was just saying that I did my own research basically. It... well um... sex just seems really intense. I didn't know you'd have to put... well you know-" Dan's glance shot over to Phil's crotch and smirked. "Into my bum and I'm a little scared cause you're so big." Dan twisted his fingers around each other, too scared to look Phil in the eyes.

"Well sweetheart, I know how to do it to make it hurt less. That is, assuming you're wanting to have sex with me one day." Phil raised his eyebrows and he tried to interpret the boys body language. So far Dan was just being a bit shy and wouldn't look at Phil.

"I-i think so. I'm just scared. It seems scary." Phil's face softened and he grabbed the boys hand in his. Dan quickly turned to face Phil, his cheeks a deep rosey color.

"It's not scary once your in the middle of it, I promise. But remember Dan, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. We can just be awkward friends who had a gay partial hookup once." Phil chuckled at that last bit.

"No, I mean I'd like it if my first time was with you. I've also been thinking, I um, kind of like you. You know?" Dan let out a nervous laugh. "I mean you're hot but I mean I think I'm liking you beyond that." Dan balled his fists up in his skirt as he admitted this, starring at a loose string on his left knee sock.

"You mean that?" Was all Phil asked, his voice dropping to a whisper.

"Yeah..." Dan squeaked softly before Phil gently cleared his throat.

"Well um, I've kinda thought that way about you too." Dan's hands stilled and he peered up at Phil through his eyelashes.

"W-what? Really?" Dan felt his face get hot and Phil could feel his own blush creeping over his pale cheeks.

"Yeah, and I was maybe thinking of taking you on a date? I was going to ask today..." Dan didn't really know what to say. Phil, a gorgeous human being wanted to take him on a date? Dan wasn't sure if he thought this was real.

"Yes!" Dan gasped, maybe a little too excitedly, but he sensed that Phil didn't really mind because his whole face lit up.

"Okay babydoll, we'll go on a date, but I have only one condition." The younger boy cocked his head to the side. "You have to come with me as my boyfriend." Phil winked at him and the corners of his mouth tilted up. Dan's head shot down and he stared at his lap, smiling uncontrollably.

"Of course, Phil." Both felt relieved after this. They were definitely the opposite pairing, one looking like he came from a revenge era MCR music video and one looking like Melanie Martinez dressed him up as her personal doll. Phil never minded the boys 'girlish appearance' though. He found it adorable the same way Dan thought Phil's harsh outfits and tattoos complimented him.

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