The room

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Max stood and quietly screamed "Danny get up they're coming!" The younger officer rushing into the room pulled a baton from his belt. I stumbled to my feet only to notice that he wasn't alone, but i was. Suddenly deserted, I immediately ran to the nearest officer.I tried to rush him but my cat like reflexes hadn't kicked in yet so i was taken down quickly, two of the officers tied me down to a chair, one berated me with baton fury, of the four of them one stood far in the corner of the room, he had a generals patch on his jacket and he was glaring at me like a hawk just waiting to swoop down upon me, he was the kindest , it was his makeshift club that had finally ended what seemed like hours of non stop pain. I was awakened by the stream of rats scurrying across my feet, Max came to me in my bliss-filled agony only to free my hands and apologize for leaving me to those assholes, "all this for a damn compliment" i clenched out with a bloody smirk. "well you did pick the only platinum in the room that was with her boyfriend" Max said. "Well how the hell am I supposed to know that was her boyfriend, nobody, especially a platinum comes to a place like this with their boyfriend, I thought he was her gay cousin or something." Her gay cousin huh Danny?, " Don't worry I would've put in a good word for you Max he looked like your type." The pain from the laughter made me realize I didn't make it out of the fight with just scratches. I passed out from the pain, I woke up in Max's house wondering how he got me upstairs by himself. An alarm still going off to alert us that it was time to go to work. "Great start to the day huh Max ?" Passed out on the floor with a magazine stuck to his face and a hand appropriately placed down his shorts Max grumbled something about waffles, boobies and a red pig. I kicked him in the side and told him I'd meet him downstairs when he gets dressed.

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