chapter 16 - Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered

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Into every generation, there are Chosen Ones. A Slayer will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. With each Slayer comes a Guardian. They are protectors of the innocent.

Day One

Night - Cemetery

The camera was focused on a heart shaped locket that Xander was dangling in the extreme foreground so that everything in the distance was out of focus and unrecognizable. "So, what do you think?"

The camera shifted into focus onto Buffy, who was sitting on a gravestone. "It's nice."

Cut to a full shot of them. They, Eric, Brooke, Zoey, Alice, Carmen, Brady and Wyatt were waiting near a fresh grave.

Xander walked closer, still dangling the locket. "Carmen, do you think Cordelia will like it?"

Carmen shrugged. "I don't know."

Zoey pulled the locket closer to take a closer look. "Does she know what one of these is?"

Xander pulled it out of her hand, putting it and his hands into his jacket pockets, chuckling. "Okay, big yuks. When are you guys gonna stop making fun of me for dating Cordelia?"

Zoey smirked. "I'm sorry. But never."

The others smiled.

"We just think you could find somebody more..." Eric trailed off. "Better."

"Uh, parallel universe, maybe," Xander told them. "Besides, Cordy and I are really getting along, we're not fighting as much, and yesterday we just sat together, not even speaking, you know, just, uh, enjoying comfortable silence."

Wyatt chuckled. "Man. It was that dull, huh?"

Brooke smiled. "We're glad that you guys are getting along." She smirked facetiously. "Almost really."

"Ignore them," Alice told him. "And don't stress over the gift."

"We know this is new territory for you," Brady told him. "I mean, your Valentines are usually met with heartfelt restraining orders."

Alice hit Brady lightly on the chest, making him smirk.

Carmen gave them a look, tilting her head at Xander. "She'll love it."

"I wish dating was like slaying," Buffy told them. "You know, simple. Direct, stake to the heart. No muss, no fuss."

The vampire rose from the fresh grave. Xander reacted quickly, jerking back as the newly risen demon came for him, tripping, falling backward onto his butt. Wyatt waved a hand toward the vampire, magically throwing him high and away, making him hit the ground hard. His momentum carried him into a reverse somersault, and he rolled to his feet, starting to come at Brady. Brady did a double kick to his chest with both feet in rapid succession, landing upright as the vampire staggered back into the corner column of a small mausoleum. The vampire tried to punch Zoey twice. Zoey blocked both moves, ducking a third swing, punching him in the face twice. The vampire grabbed Zoey to throw her into the side of a crypt, making her fall, regaining his balance, lunging for Buffy, Brooke and Alice. Brooke kicked him in the leg, making him trip and spin to the ground. Buffy did two spins to kick and punch the vampire with both feet and arms. As the vampire got up, Alice used red Guardian energy to fly closer, kicking him in the face and chest with both feet, knocking him down again. The vampire stood. Carmen made a hand gesture at the vampire, using her power to freeze him in place. Eric shot him in the chest with his crossbow. The vampire burst into a cloud of ashes. Everyone watched in satisfaction.

Slayers and Guardians Book Two (Worlds Colliding Buffy the Vampire Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now