chapter 17 - Passion

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Into every generation, there are Chosen Ones. A Slayer will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. With each Slayer comes a Guardian. They are protectors of the innocent.

Day One

Night - The Bronze

(Song:) Never and Easy Way - Morcheeba

The camera extended out from the catwalk, looking straight down onto the people below. They were dancing to the slow, sensual rhythm of the song. Buffy/Eric, Brooke/Wyatt, Brady/Alice, Zoey/Oz, Xander/Cordelia, Carmen, and Willow were dancing on the dance floor. Even though Carmen and Willow didn't have a boyfriend to dance with, they still seemed to be having a decent time. Angelus and Bianca were watching them dancing.

Bianca: (voice over) "Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping. Waiting. And though unwanted... unbidden... it will stir. Open its jaws and howl."


The Scoobies walked outside. Willow and Carmen led the way, their arms linked. The couples followed them, arms around each other. They walked past a couple, apparently engaged in a kiss. The man lifted his head from the woman, raising his head, revealing it was Angelus, just finishing a bite, letting the woman's dead body fall to the pavement, stepping out into the alley, leaving the woman's body lying there. Bianca walked out of the Bronze, watching the group as they walked away, completely unaware of their presence and Angelus' deed.

Chase Mansion - Outside

Angelus was watching Carmen from outside, while she was in her room. Carmen walked around her bed past the window. and on her way back, she paused by the window, looking out, lifting the blinds a little, scanning around, unable to see Angelus from where he was hiding out, walking over to her closet, unzipping the back of her dress along the way.

Carmen's Room

Carmen was in her pajamas now, setting her alarm, getting into bed, reaching over to turn off her light, settling in to sleep. The camera closed in on her a little, turning to include the window in the shot, revealing Angelus outside looking in. The camera closed in on a sleeping Carmen. A shadow came across her bed. Angelus reached a hand over to stroke her hair with his fingers, sitting on the edge of her bed, looking down at her.

Bianca: (voice over) "It speaks to us. Guides us. Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have?"

 Slayers and Guardians ∞

Day Two

Morning - Chase Mansion - Carmen's Room

The camera panned from the foot of her bed up to Carmen's face. Carmen stirred, waking, opening her eyes to look over at her clock, but they fixed on an envelope left next to her on her pillow. She let out an inquiring moan, pushing her hair back, picking up the envelope as she sat up, looking down at it, seeing that it was blank, opening it, taking out the paper inside, unfolding it, and could only stare at it in disbelief. It was a pencil sketch of her sleeping.

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