chapter 2

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- Autumn Hale -

I walk through the living jungle as I go to my locker.

did I say jungle? well I meant school. but its basically the same thing in my point of view.

i see my locker to see the usual pranks and games on it.

this time it says

'SLUTTY MUSIC FREAK' in big red paint

I sigh and just open the dang locker and get some of my other music sheets and walk to the music room.

but afcourse something bad always has to happen.

As I was walking a leg tripped me and someone slammed me againts the blue lockers.

I slowly lift my now, bruised head up, to see Blake Lively smirking right in front of my face

~ le flashback ~


I ran around and was playing soccer all by myself until someone stole my soccer ball from me

"Hey girls can't play sports!" He said as he threw my soccer ball into the garbage behind me and pushed me onto it too

"N-Nwo! gwirls cwan pway spworts awnd do whatever you bwoys dwo!" I said in a little quiet voice

"Whatever! Your still a loser because you talk weird and you have no friends. BOYS AND GIRLS RULE WHILE AUTUMN HALE DRULES!!!" He yelled out

then more kids came, and started chanting it with him. and more. and more.

I ran away as fast as I can, with garbage on my head, and ran into a dark alley and cried.

~ end of le flashback ~

"Watch out Loser! " He said as he pushed me again and walked away.

What have I ever done to him? is the question that always wanders my mind

and that is also the question that stuck onto my mind the rest of music class.

"PRINCESS FABOO HAS ARRIVED!" My bestfriend Kelsey said as she sat down beside me at our empty, lonely lunch table

Kelsey also took my sandwich while at it.

"and princess faboo also needs to learn that this girl needs her food or else she will go animal balistic on you." I shot back as she laughed, "Go get your own lunch Kels!"

"But I have no moneyyyyyy!!" She whined

I groaned and took out 10$ out of my small wallet and handed it to her

"Now shoo child. Get something to eat." I said chuckling

She just laughed and ran off while she dissapeared into the lunch line

I shook my head in amusment as I ate my sandwich.

"Hey Autumn can I talk to you for a second? " I heard a voice say

I turned around. Samantha Belgian aka The Sluttiest B*tch around in my eyes but to everyone else is a complete angel.

"Yeah Sure Sammy. " I said sweetly, batting my eye lashes, also some way mocking her

She pulled me out into the hallway and said, "You stay away from Blake Lively. hes mine. I saw the whole incident in the hallway. I know you got knocked over on purpose by him for you can get some attention from him."

I pushed her lightly, "First of all. Ew. Gross. You can have that manwhore. And second he actually pushed me and shoved me againts the locker so-"

"OH SHUT UP AUTUMN STOP ACTING LIKE YOUR SUCH AN INNOCENT ANGEL!" She yelled, "We all know your not. Your just some untalented music freak who can't even sing a note. so just f*ck off and stay away from Jake cause HE'S MINE!" She yelled, as she flicked me on the forhead and strutted. away


a/n sorry if its boring :( im trying so hard to make my chapter as long as I can make them so yeah ((:

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