Chapter V: Town Fool

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Not too soon after Seamus and I had our little chat, Sly came back to check on me. He was so focused on making sure I was alright, he didn't get a chance to worry about himself. There were some cuts on his arms and chest, even a bite mark, but the part that took me back was a little bit of blood on his mouth.

"Sly, your mouth is bleeding!" I expressed as I watched Seamus help bandage him up.

He wiped his bottom lip, then giggled. "That's not my blood."

My eyes must've looked like a deer in headlights. Sly's so gentle, it's hard to believe he'd do that to anyone. Guess there's a lot more to him than I knew.

"Don't worry, Bubba! You'll get used to this kind of stuff!" He reassuringly smiled.

"Maybe it'd be in everyone's best interest to train her to fight." Seamus muttered.

"Yeah!" Sly chirped. "But, only if you want to."

"It'd probably be best. I don't want you to have to come to my rescue every time someone tries to hurt me." I admitted as I looked at the ground.

He placed his hand on my shoulder, mumbling, "You know I don't mind."

"I do." I replied.

Sly sighed, leaning back some. "Then it's settled. I'll teach you the ropes, but let's try and get you acquainted with everyone before anything."

That night I was restless, but it's hard to sleep when screams echo throughout the hallway. Sly told me to ignore it, that it was just Seamus working. What kind of work is that?!

Like I said, I need to get used to this. Sly and I took a not so peaceful walk towards the penitentiary. About halfway there, he stopped in front of a door in the ground. This must be the storm cellar they referred to before.

"You've had to see a lot lately. I think you deserve some comic relief." Sly giggled, then kneeled down and rhythmically knocked on the cellar door.

Before I could even ask what his comment meant, the door flew open like some cheesy cartoon animation. He signaled for me to follow, and we jumped down the hole.

It was very cold down in this cave-esc hall. It looked like a mining shaft a bit. We walked as I shivered, and he lead me to an opening.

This place looked like the batcave, but a little less high tech. Nonetheless, there was still computers set up that I now realize are the security feeds for the entire island.

"Dan?" Sly sang throughout the echoing cavern.

I suddenly heard scattering as a shadow moved along the walls. Once again, I found myself inching into Sly, but all my fear was lost when I suddenly heard the shadow singing the Batman theme song.

It was hard not to laugh, but around here, taking something the wrong way could cost you your life. The sound of a cape slapping against the air rang as a man now stood in front of me, in a Batman suit. He wasn't as built as Batman though, and a little shorter.

Does he seriously think he's Batman? Really?! Oh God, this is hilarious!

"This is the new recruit, Slayer." Sly spoke, gesturing to me.

I gave a light finger wave, and he extended his arm to me, trying to act suave, but it was a terrible attempt. "Hello, ma'am. Good to meet you."

"You too." I lightly responded, barely able to keep a poker face.

"We were just stopping through to say hi." Sly interjected. "We'll be on our way. You know where to find us if you need anything."

"I won't, because I work alone, but thank you for the offer. Good day." He sternly spoke.

That was interesting! Sly walked me out, and once we were back up top, we both exchanged looks and died laughing! Well, at least they've got a little comical relief.

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