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You know....My first language isn´t english so...If this is a bullshit with a terrible orthography... comment and I´m going to do something


The road was killing me, the sun in my face was terrible and it would make me blind if I continue driving for another second.

“I told you… you shouldn't forget your sun glasses” says Roman next to me, lost in the window of the car looking for something in the road

“Shut up… “ I said. I stop the car and went down to search my sun glasses in my bag

“What is going on?” said Seth suddenly, He just woke up and looked like a mess with all the hair like a nest

Your brother forgot the sun glasses… “ Roman said

“Nice…It´s my turn now then….” He said and when everybody was on board He drove the rest of the way to the new city

“I think I´m lost…. Are you sure this is the hotel? Is our hotel?” Says Roman just now while we´re in shock

In front of our faces we have the most beautiful hotel in which we have been in our lives

“I suppose… “ says Seth, He walks inside and question for our keys. In a minute he is back with two keys “yes…this is the hotel…two card keys for us” says really happy

“oh, no, hell, no…I know that face…and this is not going to happen again, this time I´m going to have my own room, I don´t want to listen to you at  two in the morning with your new special-friend” says Roman and Seth give him one card

 “However… in this hotel I don´t think you can hear anything…look so nice” Seth says and taking his bag walks back to the hotel

I think I am so shocked… since months I haven´t been alone with he in a room…and I can´t stop to believe I´m going to need so much self-control to don´t doing anything stupid

“I… you know…I think it is your opportunity to say him what you feel for him…” Said roman, He went inside the car and leave it inside the hotel´s parking

What?...ok I can´t believe it! I´m so obvious about my feelings and Seth didn´t notice it… but… I can´t just said “hey Seth…I know you´re like my best friend but suddenly I love you…” no, no…probably he kills me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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