File #004
Date: 9/10/[REDACTED]
Patient No. 001824
Patient Code Name: Smile
Performed By: [REDACTED]
Time: 20:31 PM
####: Hello Patient... Oh my....
Smile: What's wrong Doc? Something unusual?
####: N-n-nothing... Let's... umm... continue the interview... sh-shall we?
Smile: Go ahead Doctor. I'm all ears.
####: S-s-same question... Wh-what *cough* *wheeze* made you smile in the first place? *cough*
Smile: Oh it's very simple Doctor, I was happy because I was able to do "things" no one could ever dare to do.
####: W-what thing was that?
Smile: Oh, I think it's for the best you don't know for now Doctor.
####: W-w-well we must *cough* kn-know.
Smile: Stop playing games with me Doctor. Ask me what you really want to know
####: O-okay then... W-why are you... sad?... *wheeze* *cough*
Smile: That one question Doctor... will change your life. But sinced you asked, I'll tell you.
I was happy for 1 reason, because I murdered people... day and night. It was a fun experience, just stabbing them and [DATA EXPUNGED]. They were helpless, their sad, lifeless and hopeless faces made me smile the most. But then... everytime I saw you people smile, I became sadder and sadder. My heart was filled with scorn every time I saw you guys just going on your merry way...
####: What... the... [DATA EXPUNGED]... you... monster!
Smile: Surprisingly, you are dying and I am here, smiling more and more as you SUFFER slowly and slowly.
####: W-why?... *wheeze* *cough*
Smile: I bring my own happiness. I don't share it. And I keep it to myself... Have you ever heard of the saying "what comes up, must go down"? Well in reality, you are not even close to getting up, you are all slowly passing away, crawling with no hope whatsoever. So, goodbye Doctor... for your life has been changed, and so will the world someday.
There, the Doctor layed dead with his [DATA EXPUNGED] corpse.
Cause of death was brutal mutilation and severe injuries that were caused by Patient Smile. Autopsy says that he first [DATA EXPUNGED] in the end, but it also states that he had tuberculosis, pneumonia, lukemia, heart cancer and lung cancer. It was claimed that the cause of these symptoms was from Patient [REDACTED], but no evidence was found to support this claim.
Staff personel also reported that Patient [REDACTED] caused a significant black-out and few of the Patients escaped, but were brought back, except for Patient Smile, for he was sighted dead
Cause of death for Patient Smile is unknown. Autopsy reports were hidden from the Asylum and no one knew why.
Staff reported that his last words were "I am happy, so very happy. It was worth it." and in his death, he was content with a smile.
Patient Files
Mystery / ThrillerPatient Files from [REDACTED] Asylum has been released by Agent [REDACTED] from the public eye. Each patient has their own dark and ominous story that has led to the downfall of said Asylum.