Teen Suicide Speech

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Teen Suicide Speech

Imagine that you’re sitting in your room, your door locked, with a pen in you’re a hand and a piece of paper in front of you. Your hand is shaking and tears are falling from your already tear stained face. ‘To my family’ you write, ‘To my Friends’ you rewrite, No you think ‘To society’ you write. Finding a way to start your letter, your suicide letter.

You try again and again but nothing seems right. There is no one that understands you, no one knows what you feel, or what you’re going through, nor does it seem like that care.

“Goodbye” you whisper to yourself and take your last breath before you end it all.

Nobody Care’s, right?

Well you thought wrong.

The next morning when its 7:05 your mother comes and knocks on your door, she doesn’t know that you can’t hear her cause you’re not even there anymore. She knocks a few more times telling you to open up, there’s still no answer. She gets mad and bursts into your room but as soon as she sees you lying motionless on the floor, she screams and falls to the floor.

Your Dad rushes into your room and freezes seeing you there, silent tears fall down his pale face as he takes out his phone calling the ambulance, but it’s no use your heart has already stopped.

Your siblings are already walking to school, you didn’t even say goodbye.

Your mother with the little bit of energy she has crawls to you taking your fragile, pale hand in her warm ones, whispering nursery rhymes she used to sing to you when you were little. Your Dads trying to strong but its so hard when he sees you there on the ground.

Nobody cares, Right?

It’s now 9:38 for some reason every class has been called to the hall for an assembly. She looks more worried than ever; all the staff and students start to worry, “what’s going on?” 10 minutes later when everyone is there the principle announces your death, your suicide.

The popular girl that used to call you nasty names is now blaming herself.

The kid that used to copy your homework and treated you like you were nothing blames himself.

The boy that sat behind you and threw stuff at you blames himself as well.

People begin to cry, they are all shocked and regret everything mean they ever did to you. They are all devastated, even kids you never spoke to before.

But still you feel nobody cares?

Your siblings return home to both your parents sitting at the table, looking sad, because they have to tell them what you did and why you aren’t there anymore.

Your little sister no matter how many times she screamed at you and told you she hated you will always love you. You were her hero, her role model. Now she is also blaming herself.

Your Brother, the one that never cries, he’s now in his room sobbing lookin at pictures of you and him, One picture caught his eye, you were smiling and hugging him. He now blames himself for every prank he played on you, every time he told on you. He doesn’t know how to deal with you gone, forever.

Nobody cares, Right?

It has been over a month since you died.

The door to your room still closed.

Your brother now goes to support groups and anger management.

Your little sister cries every day, still waiting for you to come back.

The popular girls are now sad and angry for everything they did to you.

Your Father has Depression.

Your Mother hasn’t slept since that day.

The boy who always threw stuff at you is trying to deal with it, the only reason he did it was to get your attention. He liked you.

The boy who copied your homework has tried to forget, but its so hard.

Do you still think nobody cares about you?

Think twice.

Even if they don’t show it they still care about you, still love you.

You see death doesn't just happen to you, it happens to everyone around you as well. It happens to the people standing around your grave trying yo figure out how to cope with you not being there. It happens to the people who feel a hollowness next to them now, as if their bodies are still waiting for your presence.

Suicide may be the easy way out but it’s not the right choice. Life is beautiful. I know it has its ups and downs but everyone has they’re bad days, But a bad day doesn’t mean a bad life.

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