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the fire he began;
   is burning him alive


it wasn't that Lust and Wrath were the only ones there in the so called human abode

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it wasn't that Lust and Wrath were the only ones there in the so called human abode. the other sins; greed, envy, sloth, pride, gluttony, all brought to existence by the devil himself, were there too. it was just that they had to end up getting stuck together with each other for devil knows how much more time.

taehyung couldn't bear even seeing the very sight of jimin. to say he was frustrated would be an understatement. how could he just bear the thought of even breathing in the same air as jimin? he blamed the devil for everything. and jimin of course.

after all, it all had started when jimin had come home or should he say the hell house taking a single sip from the ever untouched grail kept far away from the sins' reach for ages.

even jimin didn't know what came over him. perhaps it was just taehyung's constant criticism against jimin that got to him. he never knew why it was always the latter's words that always made sure to slightly 'hurt' him.

he couldn't control what the devil gifted him with, now could he? so why couldn't taehyung ever understand? or even try to understand? all he ever did was throw him furious gazes filled with hatred and always lash out at him as if everything was his fault. as if he was any better? just making a mess out of everything and everyone just makes him better right?

usually jimin would be alright receiving any kind of criticism against him. he wouldn't care. he wouldn't mind. but what he never understood was why only a certain kim taehyung's got to his head.

jimin stomped off to an abandoned room filled with darkness. he didn't know what came over him or he just didn't care when he began to take a sip from an ancient looking, pure gold glass. he had been consumed in all of his thoughts and didn't even bother looking at the contents of the glass. the drink burned his mouth while gulping and he realised just what he had done. but it was too late.

the devil won't be too happy when he gets to know about this
was his only thought wandering in his mind when his head began to spin, pain spreading through all over his body. resulting in him losing consciousness slowly. before colliding on the marble floor, he finally understood what all the rumors meant; how taking of a single sip from the devil's untouched grail would immediately result in any sin to be completely possessed by their sin. and in jimin's case, it was Lust.

after a good few minutes which felt like hours to be exact, jimin began to regain his consciousness. but something felt different this time, his usual soft hazel glimmering eyes seemed more sharper, hungry and irresistible, if that's even possible. and he began to head to Wrath's, his infamous smirk playing in his lips, deadly eyes sparking, his left hand took a fistful of his dirty blonde hair moving it out from blocking his forehead. he just had a sudden urge to see taehyung, he didn't know why. neither did he want to know.

their mansion, at the very centre of hell, was huge. and huge as in; each sin had their own floor for their residance. jimin got into their lavish elevator, pressing the Wrath's floor number [IV].

his smell intoxicating through the air, it didn't take taehyung long to figure out he was about to be 'greeted' by a certain Lust.

slight anger washed over him as to who would have dared to disturb Wrath, dead at night while he was going though the sins' documents. frustrated, he rolled his eyes trying to compose himself.

"uhm" taehyung's eyes immediately narrowed and darkened hearing the voice he despised the most. Lust.

"aw don't you think you should at least look at me?" asked the other with a hint of playfulness in his voice.

there was something slightly different about jimin, thought, taehyung furrowing his eyebrows in obvious confusion. and as much as he didn't want to face the latter, curiosity got the best of him.

to say he was surprised would be an understatement. there wasn't something just 'slightly' different about jimin. that was almost everything; if that's even possible.

his scent, his intoxicating scent that the devil created him with, was stronger. way stronger. any human would've been fallen prey for jimin by now, begging for him to take them. if only taehyung wasn't a demon, a sin created by the devil himself, he would've been too. but right now, surprisingly he felt attached to the latter's scent, almost losing himself-

no, this can't be happening.
the sins' offences weren't supposed to work for other sins like it did for human being. they weren't supposed to fall prey to eachothers' sins. so why was Wrath now feeling so attracted to Lust?

but it just wasn't his scent; his features, they were sharper, much more sharper. his hazel captivating eyes as if hungry for his prey; looked deadly, beautifully deadly. his cheeks flushed bright pink, plump pink lips parted taking slow breaths.

something wasn't right. the air felt much thicker for taehyung now, hard for him to breath.


sorry, you had to read such crap ugh it's kind of rushed but yeah thank you for reading anyways ♡  -A

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