Currently on-hold! Stay tuned for updates and check back later!
Third Time's the Charm!
Be sure to check out my first & second book for samples of my previous works!
x leaving_forever
Hey guys, it's been a while! I hope everyone is doing well! I know I've been putting this off for a longggg time, but today, I'm here to explain myself and answer the question you guys want answered.
When are you making more book covers?
This is a question I get asked daily. It's a good question since I said that I would re-open for requests once I finish the ones I had on my wait list. Well, I've finally completed my list of requests last month (this month I had exams). You may be wondering, "why did it take you this long to finish?". The answer is because it actually takes a while for me to complete each request and because this year was my senior year. I graduated high school this month. For this whole school year, I had to put school on top of everything else, this included Wattpad. I can't even begin to apologize for making you guys wait, I know it's not fair, but I do hope you guys understand that. For those of you who actually care, my hard work did pay off. I got accepted to top universities and will be continuing my education at the university where I've always wanted to go to. I will be studying design and technology, so that will be super exciting! On top of that, I got offered two scholarships which will help me pay for school! So there's your explanation as to why I haven't been as active this year. I had to focus on school and actually take time to enjoy my senior year :)
On to the second part of my explanation. When are you re-opening for requests? This is a question that I've been struggling to answer. You guys know I love making book covers, but honestly, I'm tired of dealing with people who don't treat me with respect. I don't want to seem like I'm complaining because the support I get is just simply amazing and I am grateful for all of it! I'm just unhappy with the people who expect me to have their covers done just like that and then start complaining and hating on me when something goes wrong. I'm unhappy with those who don't give me credit and disregard my terms. I'm doing this nice thing for others out of my own time, free of charge, but I still get yelled at. I always try to be nice and just put up with it the best I can so that I can make everyone happy, but there comes a moment where I'm no longer happy or excited to check Wattpad anymore. When I get messages like this:
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I wonder if it's all worth it. Should I keep making covers? It's never okay to spread hate onto anyone, ever. For this part of the question, I do not have an answer to. I'm not sure when I will re-open. If I do re-open, I'll probably only re-open for a few weeks so that I don't get too overwhelmed (and so that requests will be completed quicker) and close again. I will also be more strict with enforcing my terms as well as being more selective when it comes to which requests I accept. Back then, I rarely would decline requests, but this time will be different. I hate that I have to do this, but the main reason why I will be declining requests will either be because the request isn't something that I know I can do well or because the user cannot prove that they will follow my terms. I will take the rest of June to figure out where I want to take this and if I see that people do want me to continue doing this, I might take requests again starting in July. (I'll keep you guys updated!)
There's still a lot more things that I want to explore on Wattpad since making covers was never the original plan. I might take up writing again. I've also thought about making a side random book where I can connect with you guys more where I post tips about making covers, answer questions, give advice, give shoutouts and check out some of your books! (Let me know if you guys are interested in that!)
Anyways, I know that wasn't the best explanation. I had a better one thought out in my mind but I just wrote a three hour exam so my brain is dead. Overall, I just want to thank those who still continue to support me and I want to apologize to those who I made wait. I love all of you and I will always be grateful. Like always, feel free to leave me some questions (literally about anything you want), it'll be like a Q&A that I always have during my author's notes. You can ask me anything that you want to know about me or about life :)
Leave your questions and feedback in the comments! Thank youuuu
I hope everyone has a lovely day/night and remember that you are loved ❤️