Chapter 4- Kidnapped

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There was still a few more hours to go. I sighed. There was still a hope of survival. I was gonna live for my parents. I was gonna kill people who get in the way of that.

The car stopped again. "Guys... Don't get out of the car," he said, his eyes wide.

"What? Why?" asked the pink haired woman.

"Luka, look," he said.

Luka stood up and looked. Her eyes widened when she saw outside. "Oh shit...!" she yelled.

A loud popping sound came from outside, making me yelp. The car swerved around. "Guys, the wheels popped! Someone shot at them!" Kaito exclaimed, pulling the key out.

So this is it. We have to get out of the useless car, and we will have to face people with guns. Suddenly, the window next to me, shattered, making me scream. Yuuma shielded me and Gumi from the broken glass.

"Guys, gather your stuff and lets get the hell out of here!" Kaito yelled, grabbing his things.

I looked at Yuuma, and he was pulling out glass from his chest... He had a pained look on his face. Gumi grabbed her guns and got ready to leave the car. I gathered my things.

Teto kept her cool. She looked calm grabbing her first-aid kit. "Whatever happens... I'll protect the both of you from anybody," Yuuma reassured Gumi and I.

Those words made me feel... safe. Even though tonight might me the night I die, I somehow still feel safe. "Thanks," Gumi gratefully said.

We got out of the car, and when I looked back, I felt horrified. The car... All the wheels were flat. They must've been shot or something. I hid the gun my dad gave me earlier. I stuffed my phone in my shirt pocket.

I heard a familiar voice scream. Me and Yuuma spun around and saw Gumi, with someone's arms wrapped around her. Yuuma quickly put his gun up.

"Put that gun down, or I kill her," said a raspy voice. I saw the hands that held Gumi hold a knife to her neck.

Yuuma sighed and put his gun down. "Fine, just give h-"

He was cut off when someone grabbed him from behind. "Let go of me you bastard!" he yelled angrily.

I screamed when I felt a knife touch my neck. All of us were being kidnapped.


I woke up, on a concrete floor. I looked around and saw familiar faces- Gumi, Yuuma, Kaito, Miku, Luka, and I don't know the rest of their names, but I know they saved my life. Then, memories struck me like a bolt of lightning. My parents. They were... dead.

When I tried to move my hands, I felt a horrible pain on my wrists. Then it hit me- My hands were tied. And this rope was really tight. My wrists hurt like crap.

"Look, this one's awake," my head snapped to the source of the voice.

A woman with brown hair that went down to her waist was smirking. (A/N I used a woman, cause using men as kidnappers is too mainstream.)

Her eyes were blue, scanning the room. My eyes widened when I saw our guns in a pile in the corner of the room. But I knew my silver gun was still hidden in my clothes. These idiots must've forgotten to check our pockets.

I noticed that Yuuma and Kaito had woken up. They processed what happened, and are probably thinking of a way to get out of here. Then, Gumi and Teto's eyes fluttered open and they were in the state I was in. Confused and scared.

Then, the rest woke up minutes later. "So, all of you guys like to interfere with us. Killing people from our gang. Well, it's time for our revenge," said the women with blue eyes and brown hair.

I turned and saw Yuuma and Kaito took out a pocket knife, and started cutting the rope around their wrists. The women left the room, leaving us in here with no one guarding watching us, so it was safe to talk.

"Take this and cut your rope," Gumi said, passing me a knife.

I nodded and tried grabbing it. I had to move a little to pick it up. I grabbed it tightly and tried sawing the rope. It was harder than expected. The rope was really tough, and my wrists hurt so it made my wrists hurt like hell.

I winced in pain. I finally felt the rope get looser and looser every second. Finally, the rope was off. I sighed in relief and rubbed my sore wrists. I hid my hands behind my back, just in case. I passed the knife to Teto. She began sawing the tough rope off.

Suddenly, the women walked back in with a few men behind her. They were all armed with guns and knifes.


The update is here! Yay!

Anyways, I have a question for you guys. So, there will be a book two, in which I will add Rin and Len in. So, should I make them twins, or lovers? Please let me know in the comments.


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