Chapter One. Welcome to Humarock.

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Hazel breathed in the salty summer air as she stepped out of the car she was stuck in for four hours. The blue eyed girl looked at the small house that would soon become her home. The two storied house was a light grey color with a porch around the edge of the building. The was a hammock, few chairs, and a small table on the small porch. The faded, light blue door was open and only a screen door was stopping her from walking right into house. As she was analyzing the house, her beautiful aunt came outside and skipped towards her blonde niece. Her aunt wrapped her arms around her a firm, but loving hug. God knows she needed it. As she let go she asked the petite girl, "Hazel! You're finally here! Where's your mother?"

"She's just grabbing her bag from the car."

Hazel's aunt nodded and started walking towards her sister. As Hazel's mother looked up and saw her dear sister, she smiled and walked towards her. They embraced for a few seconds before Hazel's brunette mother pulled away. She fixed her perfectly ironed pencil skirt. The two sisters spoke quietly to each other. Hazel ignored them as she picked up her backpack, suitcase, and duffel bag. It sounds like a lot, but in reality it's all the clothes, shoes, and others things she would need to last her an entire summer at the beach. 

Hazel walked up the stairs towards the screen door. She pressed against the door slightly and it opened with a quiet creak. She took a step inside and the smell of sand and ocean filled her nose. She walked slowly into the kitchen to be greeted with her aunts dog, Rocky. He was a bernese mountain dog. He was a big dog, but he was sweetheart. The medium sized kitchen was filled with the setting suns rays that were coming in through the open windows. A soft breeze blew against Hazel's skin and hair. It smelt of the beach.

As the seventeen year old girl made her way out of the kitchen and into the living room. The small blue couch had three pillows on it. Each a different shade of yellow. A small throw blue and white throw blanket was laid over a light grey chair. The translucent white curtains were being lifted slightly by the wind. She turned around to see the fireplace. There was wood next to the tools that are used to poke the fire. Hazel never knew what those were called.

 As Hazel's mother and aunt walked into the house, the young girl turned around. Her aunt asked her mother, 

"Would you like anything to drink? Water? Tea? Lemonade?" She said lemonade with a slight grin. Hazel's mother responded quickly and firmly. 

"No, thank you" 

Her aunt, without skipping a beat. turned to her beautiful niece and asked, 

"How about you? Want anything to drink?"

"No, I'm good. Thanks for the offer though"

"Of course! Anyway, you haven't been here in a while. Still remember your way around the house?"

"A little," The blue eyed girl said quietly. 

"Well, let me show you around then. I assume you've seen the kitchen and the living room, so let me show you the rest of the downstairs," Hazel's young aunt begun to walk towards the small hallway. "So this is the guest room and the guest bathroom. Oh and this is my painting room." She says as she opens a door to a room filled with aisles, paint, brushes, and finished paintings. Each one of them beautiful. From what your mother told me on the phone, you love to paint, and your damn good at it too."

Hazel blushed slightly and looked down. She spoke softly. 

"I'm not that good at it, but I do like to paint. That's probably part of the reason my mom sent me down here." She ended her sentence with a smile and a small look at her mother.

"That's not part of the reason at all." Hazel's mother said in a rather agitated voice. 

"Alright let's all just calm down." Hazel's aunt said, trying to respectfully say "chill out" to her up-tight sister.

"I think I should get going. Are all your things out of the car?"

"Yeah. Yeah everything's out of the car."

"Good. Well, Hazel, I'll see you labor day. Make sure you call me and your step father. Behave for your aunt and uncle. Please."

"I will."

"Okay. Well, I'll call you as much as I can. Enjoy yourself."

"Will do."

"I guess I'll get going then. Goodbye Hazel."

"Bye mom."

And with that Hazel's mother waved goodbye to her sister and walked out the door. She didn't say I love you to her daughter or even a hug. She just walked out. It didn't bother Hazel though. She was used to. She turned to her amazing aunt Celine. Her aunt led her upstairs and said,

"So I think I decorated your room absolutely perfectly."

As they walked into the room, Hazel's blue eyes widened. The cream colored walls had paintings of the ocean and stores that are in the area. The bed was a full and had a light blue comforter. There was a white canopy over the bed. There were fairy lights all around the room. There was an off-white vanity and some aisles and canvases in the corner. The best part was the window. It nearly took up the entire wall. There were white sky blue translucent curtains that were pushed to the side. The view was magnificent. You could see miles of beach and ocean and it was beautiful. Hazel turned towards her aunt and smiled.

"It's amazing, thank you."

"I knew you'd love it. Well your uncle will be here in about an hour. I'm gonna go get dinner ready. You can go ahead and settle in. If you need me, just let me know."

"Sure thing."

Hazel's aunt walked out of the room and closed the door behind hre. Hazel looked out at the setting sun. This was her life now. SHe knew exactly where she was, but somehow still felt lost. She didn't know what was in store for her. SHe didn't know who she would meet. She was lost. Completely lost. Until she saw him.

Authors Note:

Ahhh this is my first book. I know it's not very good but I've always loved writing and of course I love the beach. If you want you can leave a suggestion. Have an awesome day babes!!!!! 

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