Chapter 2: Scott's employee

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Who was that? That's what as on Hazel's mind as she saw a boy with brown hair that swopped up and to the side. He looked tall. 6 foot maybe. He was wearing a pair ripped jeans with some vans and a nirvana band tee. He was pretty built. He looked about her age. God he was gorgeous. He was walking towards the front door. All of her previous thoughts were pushed aside. Part of her wanted to go downstairs and talk to him. The other part of her that was the reason her mother had to bring her here, the part of her that ruined all else good in her life. The part of her that made her stay in bed for days on end told her to stay put.  

She continued to watch him though. He walked up to the door. She heard him knock on the door. Her aunt let him in. She heard them down stairs talking and laughing. A little while later she saw her uncle Scott pull in the driveway. Well technically he isn't her uncle because him and her aunt aren't married, but they've been dating since she was nine so he was basically her uncle. He walked into the house. She heard him talking to the people downstairs. That's when her aunt called.

"Hazel! Come here! Scott's home!"

Hazel picked herself up, walking through the vertigo and out of the her door. She walked down the stairs and at the end was greeted by her aunt. They walked into the kitchen and Hazel saw Scott and the boy from earlier. 

"Hey there Hazel! What's up?" Said her uncle while he was pulling her into a hug. They pulled apart and she said quietly,

"Nothing much, how about you?"

"Just work and trying to keep your aunt happy," He ended his sentence with a smirk. Her aunt lightly hit his arm. Her uncle said to her,

"Oh so this is Forest. He helps me out in the shop. He just needed to pick up his paycheck." The shop he was referring to was her uncles restaurant. Her uncle owned a restaurant. It was the perfect place to go after a day at the beach. It sold a ton of different foods, but Hazel's favorite part about it was the small store attached. The store had small little knick knacks, each one cuter and prettier than the next. It was called Humarock Days Restaurant and Shop. It was a weird name, but it was a perfect place to go when you want a grilled cheese or when you need a towel after your other one got ruined at the beach. 

Forest reached out to shake Hazel's hand, which she didn't realize for a second. Once she realized what he wanted, she shook his hand. Then it happened. The spark. SHe didn't know what nerve endings he hit, but they sent sparks up her arm and across her body, leaving a trail of goosebumps. She looked into his captivatingly gorgeous eyes. They were brown like the trees but around the pupil, there were golden flakes. His eyes, they were perfect. He shot her a small smile. Hazel had never felt like this. Not towards anyone or anything. 

"Nice to meet you Hazel," He said in a happy, but chill tone.

"Y-you too," Hazel barely managed to stammer out. 

They both smiled and let go. Hazel couldn't look away from his beautiful eyes. The teenaged girls thoughts were broken when she heard her aunt Cece's boyfriend spoke,

"You guys are actually the same age."

"Really?" The brown haired boy said in a warm tone. "That's pretty cool. You know a lot of people here?"

"No, not really. Only these two."

"Well now you know me, so if these two annoy you, which they will," Scott laughed a little and playfully punched him on the arm as he spoke. "Just come and find me."

"Y..Yeah. W..will do." Hazel spat out. 

"Well I've got to get going so I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Ruth and I hope I see you around Hazel"

The brown haired girl smiled and nodded as Forest started to walk out of the kitchen. His shoulders slightly brushed against hers. 

"Oops. Sorry" The tall boy said to the petite girl.

"It's cool"

It wasn't cool. It was the opposites. He had just put fireworks in her stomach, just by touching her, even for just a second. She had never had this feeling. Ever. The beautiful girl knew that she wanted, no, needed to see if that feeling he had given her was a fluke. 

Hazel was troubled girl. She has seen and been through things that no one should go through. She has scars on the inside and outside. People had destroyed her. All the men that had came into her life had hurt her. Treated her like she's is nothing but an object they can use and abuse. The only men that haven't hurt her are her uncle Scott and her Papa. But Forest, she just had a really good feeling about him. He seemed...different. God she hoped he was different.

Authors note:

Second chapter!! Who hoo! I'm gonna try to update by Wednesday next week, but I may not be able to because I'm going with my sister on her college tours. Btw sorry this is a kind of shitty chapter I've been so busy. One more thing, this is what Hazel and Forest look like

 One more thing, this is what Hazel and Forest look like

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Hope you guys have a great day! Bye babes!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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