chapter three;

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maya hart

i gave her my rose. something about that thought twists my insides, but in a good way. anything having to do with her shouldn't affect me this way. she was supposed to be a freak, someone to avoid. why did i want to talk to her? why did i want to draw her millions of pictures so she watched me the way she did today? i kept thinking about it on my way home. lucas was talking about football or something, but i wasn't listening. i did that sometimes.

it was wednesday, which meant my weekly movie night with lucas. he'd come home with me and we'd eat cheap snacks and watch movies. it was normally a bit weird for me, because we always ended up making out, and i didn't really like lucas like that. it was worse now, though. ever since i gave riley the rose, i couldn't breathe around him. it was like he was suffocating me just by being there. i never realized how touchy he was. we were ten minutes into black panther, him running his hands through my hair, when i couldn't take it anymore.

"stop," i demanded, pushing him off of me. i climbed off my bed and turned to face him. he was mad, already standing too, with his hands in fists.

"what's wrong with you? you've been so out of it ever since monday. if i did something, just tell me instead of being a bitch about it," he snapped. i rolled my eyes. there it was. the b-word again. he always pulled it out during our arguments. we didn't fight much, but when we did, he went all out. i mainly stood there and took his insults, waiting for it to be over.

"you did nothing. i just don't want to do this right now. pretending to watch this stupid movie when i'm actually about to have a panic attack," i blurted out more than i had planned to say.

"well, call me when you're not a mess. it isn't attractive, by the way," he pushed past me to the door, knocking me into the wall. i felt tears spring to my eyes, and i had to take deep breathes to keep from shaking. i made sure he was gone before i grabbed my phone and headed downtown.


i was almost to the ice cream shop when my mom texted. 'where are you? mr. brown's here'. i slipped my phone in my pocket without answering. i was mad at her for sleeping with random guys for my sake, and i was mad at lucas for our fight. i thought that ice cream would help me calm down.

i ordered my favorite, chocolate hot fudge sundae without a cherry. it was basically just chocolate, but it was amazing. i sat down in a booth with my sundae, and was so absorbed in savoring ever bite, that i didn't realize someone sat down in front of me until they spoke.

"hey," riley greeted. i jumped, and she smirked at me.

"has anyone ever told you that it's rude to sneak up on people? because it is. now, go away, i'm eating my ice cream," i snapped, still pissed off. i didn't care if i was taking it out on her. that just meant she'd stay away, and all my thoughts of her and her warm, brown eyes would be gone. things could go back to normal.

"well, i'm eating mine, too," she replied, not even phased by my outburst. she just smiled and nodded down at the cone in her hand. i softened a little at her smile. something about her presence calmed me down.

"is that a strawberry cone with coconut? with a cherry, too?" i cringed. those were three of the worst things ever.

"yep," she said, licking it. "i see you're a chocolate kind of girl. i respect that." i laughed, taking another bite of my ice cream.

"why'd you even sit here? if i remember correctly, i've been a bitch to you every single time we've talked," i questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"you've never been a bitch. maybe mean, but not bitchy. and you're very interesting to talk to," she replied, shrugging. i cringed again as she licked her cone. "don't like coconut?" she teased.

"yeah, or strawberry ice cream. or cherries. you really have the worst taste," i explained. "and i'm interesting? good to know."

"can i taste yours?" she asked, and i laughed before realizing that it wasn't a joke.

"no. never. i don't share food, especially ice cream," i crossed my arms, getting louder as i spoke. she giggled, putting her head in her hands. it was probably the cutest thing i'd ever seen, and i looked down at the floor to keep from staring. when i looked up, she was eating my ice cream.

"are you kidding me? you little shit!" i screamed, people in the shop all turning to look. i ignored them and continued pouting.

"you were distracted. it's pretty much your fault," riley teased. her eyes were glistening, and this was honestly the happiest i'd ever seen her.

"what can i do to get it back?" i asked, putting on my puppy dog eyes. "i'll do anything."

she thought for a couple seconds before announcing her conditions. "you have to help me babysit my little brother, auggie. i mean, august. i'm not that good with kids."


riley matthews

"what makes you think i'm any better with them?" maya asked, before sighing. "whatever. i'll do it. just to get my ice cream back. you're lucky i didn't steal yours and throw it out the window," she added, making me giggle. my giggle was gross, but if i laughed, i sounded like a horse.

"okay. it's a date," i announced, giving her back her sundae and grabbing mine. she went pale.

"date?" maya repeated. i blushed awkwardly.

"sorry. that's not what i meant. i meant-" i rambled before she interrupted me.

"no, i know. it's fine. i'll see you later," she stood up, and headed for the door. before she left she saluted, grinning like a dork. it made me smile, and i felt less awkward than before. i watched her leave, and licked my ice cream again. something about her drew me to her. that really terrified me.

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