Ch. 1 Having Hope

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Meet Alice. A young woman who just graduated from college. She's now looking for a job in her field which is event coordinator. She's been trying before she graduated and hasn't land one. Little does she know that she's gonna land one soon.

Alice POV
It's been one week since I graduated from college and I still haven't been offered a job. My best friend Taylor walks in my room.

Taylor: Hey how's the job search going?
Alice: What it always been. Not good.
Taylor: Don't give up on yourself you'll land a job.
Alice: I don't know. I've applied for at least 50 jobs and I haven't had any luck.
Taylor: Alice, don't worry and don't give up.

I get up and go into my room.

Taylor's POV
Alice goes into her room and as always she turns on Pentatonix. I feel bad for her. I mean we both just graduated from college and only one of us has a job. Me. So now I'm gonna take matters into my own hands.
I began to search for other job positions that were open. Then I came across this job position that I think Alice will love it. I filled out the application and sent in her resume.

Taylor: She's gonna be so happy.

So now we have to wait a couple of days till we hear from them.

***Two days later***

Alice POV
At this point I just want to give up on finding a job. I've tried everything I could, but I get nothing.
I went to go on my laptop and I see that I get an email. I could not believe what I am seeing.

Alice: Taylor!!

Taylor walks in.

Taylor: What's up?
Alice: I can't believe what I'm seeing.
Taylor: What is it?
Alice: It's an email for a job interview.
Taylor: Who is it from?
Alice: I don't know. Let me read the email.

Hi Alice,
My name is Esther. I am the manager of an well known group. I received an email from you a couple of days ago about you wanting to be apart of the family/team as an event coordinator. Your resume is very impressive. I would like for you to come in for an interview in 3 days. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Esther Koop

Alice: Esther Koop? Why does that name sound so familiar?
Taylor: Well, look on the bright side you have a job interview.
Alice: Yeah. An interview that I didn't even apply for.

Then it hit me.

Alice: Did you do this?
Taylor: Uh...............maybe.
Alice: I can't believe that you did this. I can't get mad at you for helping me out, but why didn't you come and tell me.
Taylor: I wanted to make it a surprise because I don't want you to give up.

I gave Taylor a big hug.

Alice: Thanks. Now let me start to prepare for this interview.


Please let me know what you guys think. This is my 1st fan fiction story. I've been a fan of Pentatonix for a year. I hope you enjoy it. ❤❤❤

Be sure and check out my other story "I'll Never Let You Go". It's not a fan fiction.

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