Ch. 33 Surprises and Threats

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Alice POV
I couldn't believe who was Taylor's boyfriend.

Avi: Surprise guys.
Alice: You're dating Avi?
Taylor: That I am.
Kevin: Bro!

Pentatonix gives Avi a big group hug.

Mitch: I can't believe it. It feels like it's been forever.
Avi: Tell me about it.
Matt: It's good to see you again, Avi.
Avi: You too man. By the way, guys great album. Matt you killing it with the bass.
Matt: Thanks man.
Alice: How did you two meet?
Taylor: While you guys were in New York, I had to make some and serve some cakes, cupcakes, and cookies at Acappella Academy. And Avi was there.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE/TAKE: Taylor is a baker.)

Avi: I saw her setting up and I walked up to her. I asked her if I could try a cupcake. She let me and it was amazing.
Taylor: We talked and exchanged numbers. And the next day he asked me out. We went out and it was so much fun.
Avi: I was so starstruck by her and I liked her so much that I asked her to be my girlfriend.
Taylor: And I said yes.
Kirstin: Aww that is so sweet.
Alice: I'm so happy for you two.
Avi: Thanks Alice. Taylor was right you are nice.
Scott: This is amazing. I'm so happy for you guys.
Kevin: Hard to believe that both of my brothers have girlfriends. This is great.
Avi: Thanks guys. I'm so glad I get to see you guys. I can't wait to hear you on stage.
Mitch: Aw thanks Avi. We'll see you two later.

So we left to go to the dressing room. Soon it was time for the concert. Everyone was jamming out and having fun. Then I get a text message from an unknown number.

***Text Messages*** (Alice and Unknown)
Unknown: Hello Alice you should know that you should enjoy the time you have left with Pentatonix. Soon it will be up. See you soon.

I'm now scared because someone unknown threaten me and/or Pentatonix.
Soon as the concert was over Pentatonix, Esther, and I went in the dressing room. Soon Avi and Taylor came in as well.

Matt POV
I knew something is wrong with Alice.

Matt: Hey Alice, are you okay? You seem tense.
Esther: Yeah I saw that you looked worried.

Alice POV
I have two choices keep it to myself and worry or tell them. Tell them is probably best.

Alice: Okay something is wrong. Look at this.

I handed them my phone to where I saw the text message.

Kirstin: OMG!
Kevin: Who did this?
Alice: I don't know. But either way we are all in danger.
Avi: Can we get someone to see who it was?
Taylor: I think I know someone. Imma contact them now.

Taylor stepped out to contact.

Alice: Why would someone do this?
Matt: Hey it's gonna be okay.
Scott: Yeah.
Alice: But I'm scared that they may get me or you guys.
Esther: Don't worry. I'll make sure that we have security around us.

Taylor came back in.

Taylor: Okay. So I contacted them and luckily he's not too far from here. He's on his way.
Esther: I'll got let him in.

Esther went to get him and a few minutes later they came in.

James: Hi guys. My name is James and I'll be able to see who sent that message to you.

So I handed him my phone and he uses his laptop to find out who the person was.

James: Okay. I can't seem to find a name, but I do have the gender and it seems like it came from a woman. Looks like she was here at the concert. That's all the information that I could find.
Matt: Thank you so much.
James: No problem.

So James left.

Alice: Okay so we know that it's a woman and is a fan.
Scott: Well that narrows down everyone.
Mitch: Alice, don't worry we'll be here for you and we'll protect you.
Avi: I agree. I don't want and I don't like to see my friends in danger.

So we left and I went straight back to the apartment. Esther made sure that there was security at the apartment. I'm still worried though. Who wouldn't be?

Surprise!! Avi is now in the story as Taylor's boyfriend. I wanted to include him at some point.
Now we are about to hit the high point of the story. I hope you're ready.
Who do you think sent that threat? We'll find out. So this is another cliffhanger. The next 2 chapters will be a two part.

Love you guys and stay awesome.

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