Ch. 23 Sleepover

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***Text Messages*** (Pentatonix and Alice)

Kirstin: Hey guys. You wanna have a sleepover. Alice u can bring Taylor.
Alice: Sure we love too
Mitch: Oh gurl u know I'm down for a sleepover lol
Scott: U know how much I love sleepovers lol
Kevin: I'm down for it
Matt: Yeah I'm in
Kirstin: Yay! Is this weekend okay with everyone
Mitch: That's fine wit me
Alice: That's perfect
Kevin: Yep I'm in
Matt: This weekend is fine
Scott: Yeah that's good. See ya this weekend
Kirstin: BTW Alice it's gonna be at our hangout house
Alice: Idk where that's at
Matt: Babe I can pick u and Taylor up
Alice: That's fine with me.
Scott: Aw u call her babe lol
Matt: Oh shut up Scott lol
Kirstin: lol I'll see you guys then.

~~~The Weekend Arrives~~~

Alice POV
So I'm in my room packing up for the sleepover.

Taylor: Hey do you have everything?
Alice: Just about everything. You?
Taylor: I've had everything packed since last night.

We both laughed.

Taylor: This is so exciting. I didn't know Pentatonix had a hangout house.
Alice: Me either, but I can imagine it's so cool. I've never knew that they had a hangout house.
Taylor: Yeah.

We hear the door bell ring.

Taylor: I'll get it.

Taylor POV
So I walked to the door and it's Matt.

Taylor: Hey Matt. How are you?
Matt: Hey Taylor. I'm doing good. What about you?
Taylor: I'm good. Alice will be out soon.

Alice POV
So I finished packing and I walked out of my room.

Alice: Hey babe.
Matt: Hey.

He gives me a kiss on the cheek.

Taylor: Aw you guys are so cute?
Alice: Thanks Tay.
Taylor: Oh before I forget. When you guys were in New York, I met someone too.
Alice: Yay! I'm so happy for you.
Matt: That's awesome.
Taylor: Thanks guys.
Matt: Are you girls ready?
Alice and Taylor: Yes.

So Matt helped us with our bags and we got into his car and drove to Pentatonix's hangout house.

Alice: Matt, can you tell us about this hangout house yall have?
Matt: Well, it's very big. I've been to it once and that was before we went on the Christmas tour last year. It's really nice though.
Taylor: How far is it?
Matt: It's about 2 hours outside of LA.
Alice: Woah.

A couple of hours later we arrived to the house.

Alice and Taylor: OMG!

Alice and Taylor: OMG!

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