Castle II: Secret Lives & Lovers (girlxgirl)

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Lo and I got really close and I decided that incase our relationship became more than a friendship, I'd like to tell my family. The first person I decided to tell was Kate because I found myself to be more comfortable with her than anyone else in my life thus far. It was another boring day at school so I decided to ditch. Once I arrived in Katie's office. I found her frantic as she was rushing over some stuff so I decided to leave

"C!" Katie said loudly for me to turn around and awkwardly smile for a frown to be playing on her lips. I walk into her office for her to put back everything she was holding giving me her full attention "hey. Why aren't you at school?" She asked worriedly

"Umm well I wanted to tell you something, but you seemed really busy so I was just going to go back to school before lunch ended so you wouldn't have to worry about where I was during class!" I rambled quickly for her to sit on the couch for me to sit beside her

"Okay and what did you want to tell me?" She asked interested which was weird because when I came out to Gramps he slowly dealt with it even if he didn't accept it and Grams tried avoiding the topic but she did not treat me differently when I came out to her

"Ummm..." I said fiddling with my fingers

"C, you can tell me anything!" Katie said rubbing my arm for me to nod

"I'm bisexual!" I said softly for it to be silent, but then she hugs me tightly

"C, love is love no matter who you love. You should never be scared to tell me anything. I love you no matter what!" She said saying I love you for the first time for me to hug back tightly as tears start to fall from my eyes

"I love you too!" I said softly

"You should probably get back to school now. Wouldn't want your dad walking in on us and seeing me supporting you ditching school!" She said pulling away for us to both laugh as I nod. She then wipes away my tears as the door opens

"What is this?" My dad said walking in for us to both jump. I turn my head to look a my dad who raised a single eyebrow at me "ditching school to see Beckett but not me?" He asked offended laughing as I roll my eyes though a smile plays on my lips

"I have to go check up on Ryan and Esposito because they seem to be goofy off!" Katie said getting up as my eyes fall onto Ryan and Esposito who seem to be.. Fighting? Katie quickly leaves the room to go to them as dad sits beside me

"You okay sport?" He asked for me to nod "why did you ditch school and go to the police station? Isn't that like something you shouldn't do!" He asked in a joking manner as I started to become nervous

"I actually needed to tell K something and you should also know!" I said nervously

"If your not ready to talk about it now we can definitely talk about it later!" He said rubbing my leg softly

"No I should tell you now because if I don't I'm not sure I'll even tell you!" I said taking one deep breath in before breathing out "I'm bisexual!"

"As in you like girls and boys?" He asked for me to nod "cool now I just need a daughter who's gay and I got the whole package of women in my life!" He said for me to look at him with squinted eyes confused by his reaction "did I say something wrong?"

"No, I just did not expect your reaction or K's. Grams was pretty chill about it, but they both refuse to talk about it and Gramps started acting weird when I came out to him!" I said with a shrug looking down at my hands "guess I was just expected the worst!"

"I'm so sorry that they didn't accept you C, but I love you no matter what and their is close to nothing that would change and especially not your sexuality. Though you know that I'm going to have to be watching all your friends like a Hawk from now on!" He said wiggling one of his eyebrows for me to chuckle

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