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I have always found it hard to get along with people so I became what most people would know as "mute". I refused to talk to anyone and I just got diagnosed as mute, but the times when I was alone, I spent it singing my heart out, but as quickly as my voice came it went. Sadly, my parents could not take it anymore and sent me back to Korea to live with my cousin who is widely known as IU in South Korea, the most popular singer in Korea. When I first went to Korea, I was met by my cousin who unlike my parents didn't force me to speak, but was not any better as she spoke to me in korean which I barely understood. I spent most of my time locked in my room though with Boots (my pet fox) learning korean or in the streets also trying to learn korean which I ended up doing quite easily with the amount of spare time I had. It was also helpful that I was half angel. Not many of us are on Earth, but for those of us who are, we find actions always spoke louder that words.

My cousin for the most part was one of the kindest and most humble person I've met and I only even saw another side to her once. We were both having dinner after spending about two months together. She had another comeback and had a lot of promotions that went along with it. On top of the already harsh diet she had, she also had to feed me which I think in turn made it harder for her body to resist and tried really hard. After a long day at the studio, IU finally came home and prepared dinner for me

"Lee Ma-eum, dinner is ready!" She said for me to run down excitedly as she looked at me kind of annoyed. I found that just like for the past few days she made me ramen again which made me really bloated in the morning. I smile and give her a bow before she left to her room. The moment she left and I heard the shower turn on, I closed the ramen and quickly made myself some ready made Mac and cheese sense it was one of my favourite dinners. Once finished, I hid the ramen in another cupboard, before grabbing my empty ramen cup that I also hid and filled it with Mac and cheese. Once I finished filling two, I grabbed the one I had and went to the couch to pretend to watch a movie as she would not be eating with me. Suddenly, she surprisingly came out of her room and went to the cupboards before I hear a scream

"Lee Dream Ma-run!! Come here right now!" She yelled for me to walk over to her timidly as I left my Mac and cheese behind

"What is this?" She asked showing me to ramen filled with Mac and cheese for my eyes to widen, but I don't say anything "god damnit answer me for once. I should've never accepted the task of taking care of you. You never even have spoke to me and act like an ungrateful brat!" She snapped for my eyes to water "what happened to the other ramen? Do you know how much I spend on ramen monthly now that you live with me, but now here I am figuring out that you make yourself Mac and cheese? What happened to all the ramen?!"


"God damn it. Talk to me for once. I bet your just choosing to not talk when you can do it so easily. I hate you. I wish you never came!" She screamed for tears to well up in my eyes before I quickly run to my room as I saw her cover her mouth. I made sure to lock myself in my room feeling super hungry due to the fact that I didn't even get to eat half of the Mac and cheese. I spent 2 straight days in my room as there was a washroom and a water bottle or two around my room that were half full as well as a box or two of cookies. I mostly just also spent my time in my room and IU had come to try and talk to me, but gave up a few times. I just sat on my bed with my now empty box of cookies as my stomach growls

*knock knock*

"Mimi, I'm sorry for what I said earlier this week. I was wrong and I didn't mean any of that, but I bet your hungry. I'm leaving some Mac and cheese in a ramen cup outside of your door. I hope you can forgive me. I'm so sorry!" She said before I hear her leave. I slowly open the door after five minutes and grab the two cups full of Mac and cheese, before eating only having a cup as after not eating for a long time, your body just tends to get use to it. For the next two days, that's exactly what happened for most meals and I spent my time sometimes even ignoring her voice completely by wearing headphones "Mimi can you please come out. I just want to make sure that your alright. I'm so so so sorry!"

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