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"Alright, boy, load the gun then aim. Once you've got that just shoot! Its simple!" The brunette gulped and followed the instructions, after all, he would need to know how to shoot a gun if he wanted any chance of being a police officer.

BOOM. A loud gunshot echoed through the open field as the boy who possessed the gun shot the target off in the distance. "Nice work kid! You're gonna be something great! I can feel it!" The taller man patted the other on the back and put a cigarette in between his lips, lighting it and motioning for another test shot. "Sir? Will I be tested on this later?"

"Of course! If you want any chance at being in the military, you bet they are gonna test you!" The man chuckled and let the 19 year old continue practicing. "Let's try a farther range, eh?" The boy nodded and moved to the farther target.




He missed. The bullet flew pass and landed in an unknown destination. "That.... was terrible. Lets go closer, you seem to do better when you can be right up front." Once again, the boy moved forward, loading ammo and aiming for the circular target that was now much closer.




He made it this time! He actually did it! "Good job boy! I think that's one of the best shots you've had! Take the rest of the day off won't ya?" The brunette happily smiled and put his gun away. "Thanks sir! I promise it will only get better!" He showed a bunny liked smile and skipped off.
As the boy walked down the all too familiar street, he noticed a figure sitting in the distance. It was a man... or a boy? He was dressed in striped pants with suspenders, his hair was a soft violet shade and he was what the brunette would call, incredibly handsome. As he approached the boy sitting on the pavement, more of his body came into view. The boys skin was littered with red stitches going in patterns around his body, some cuts here and there and scars across his face. Worried, the boy ran up to make sure everything was okay.

"Excuse me, may I ask if you are okay?"

"Oh, hello there! Who are you?!" The brunette gulped at the others deep voice, a bit aroused by it though he would never admit it. "That doesn't matter. What matters is if you are okay! You are covered in all sorts of wounds!" The brunette had a stern look in his eye as he raised his voice to sound intimidating. The other male only laughed at this, leaning forward and cupping his cheek. "Well, what a cute bunny you are! I like it.... oh? Is this a gun I'm seeing?" The brunette defensively moved the weapon, almost falling into the others touch. "Don't worry love, I dont like guns. Knives work better."

"Y-you're crazy!" The brunette unintentionally shouted at the violet haired male, causing him to smirk. "And you're cute." The older of the two moved forward and planted a kiss on the bridge of the brunettes nose, letting it linger for a bit. "I-I don't even know you! I should get going home, it's late."

"Oh, bunny, how oblivious are you! I'm here waiting for you! I see you walk home every night and tonight I've been ordered to take you." The brunette moved back in fear, afraid of the others intentions. "We've seen your gun skills. I have a feeling you will do great on our team! Besides, you get to be with me!" The brunette shook his head in disbelief. "B-but I have a future you know! I wanna become a police officer!"

"Oh bunny, you'd be quite the police officer but also... quite the assassin." The brunette pondered for a minute, "what' do I get out of this?"

The violet haired male snickered and wrapped his arm around the others neck. "Me."

The brunette sat, puzzled on what he should do before he realized the other had started walking away. "W-WAIT! I'll do it. If it means I can kill bad people and save the good! I'll do it."

The violet haired male walked forward, standing in front of the small brunette boy, snaking an arm around his waist. "Good choice, so what's your name, bunny?"

"Jeon Jungguk."

"Nice to meet you, Kookie, I'm Kim Taehyung, or Tae for short." Taehyung smirked and grabbed the others wrist. "Now, lets go discuss... business." Jungkook gulped loudly as Taehyung started to unbutton his pants.

Tae's hair used to be Violet but it is gray in the story, same with Jungkook, it was brown but now it's black. Also, yes, Taehyung and Jungkook once had a little affair with each other for one night. That's why Jungkook is the way he is around Taehyung.

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