Chapter Five

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It had been a month since the first night that Isa had helped Bucky with his nightmares. She had ended up in his room a few more times, each time coxing him out of the dreams that haunted him. Today though the team was on a mission at a Hydra base, intel had said that there would be very few agents there; so they could get in get the data and get out after setting the explosive charges, but clearly the intel was wrong because the second Isa and Bucky split to clear the send floor, Isa found herself cornered and having to climb into the rafters of the building in order to hide.

'Shit, shit, shit.....this is not good' she though as at least 8 agents filled the room below where she was sitting, crouched in the rafters.

"Arctic Viper, Sergeant Barnes, Check in" Steve said through the coms, in full Captain America mode.

"East side Clear" Bucky said, sounding out of breath.

"Arctic Viper, Check in...Arctic...Isa...You there" Steve said worry leaching into his stern voice.

She raised her hand to the com in her ear under the hood of her uniform, keeping her eyes on the agents below her in the dim lit room.

"Got a problem here Cap...."She said in a soft voice so she didn't alert them of her position.

Bucky answered before Steve could, his voice crackling through the coms.

"Doll, where are you?"

"West wing, fourth door on the the rafters surrounded at the moment" She said with a soft sigh.

"I'm on my way.....In bound in 3" He said, anger clear in his voice.

Isa could only sigh softly her head pressing back into the beam she was leaning against. Two minutes later the lights in the room went out and the agents below her started to freak, speaking in rapid Russian. Isa could see them, swinging their guns around trying to find her trying to find a light switch.

"Lights out" Nat said through the coms, an Isa could hear the smirk in her voice.

"Thanks Nat, Buck, I'm gonna drop I should be able to get the first 4 by the time you get here...Eta" She said as she moved to drop from the rafter.

"30 Seconds." Came Bucky's reply.

Isa didn't wait a second longer, before she dropped silently from the rafters and behind two Hydra agents. In a matter of seconds she had the first two agents taken care of, though the sound of the third one's yelp of surprise had alerted the others. That alert had led them to start shooting wildly, causing Isa to jump behind a desk for cover. As she sat behind the desk hoping not to get shot she could hear the agents moving around her searching for her. Just as she was sure she was gonna get caught she heard gun shots go off and the sounds of fighting. It gave her enough time to move; when she did she caught an agent by surprise. One snap of the neck later and the lights had come back on; Isa found herself standing around a pile of bodies though her eyes were locked on Bucky.

"Isa, you okay Doll" He asked stepping towards her, his eyes searching for any sort of injury on her.

"I'm good Buck, thanks for the backup" She said giving him a small smile.

"Arctic Viper, Sergeant Barnes, Status report" Captain America barked through the coms.

"All good, gonna check the rest of this floor" Bucky replied as the two of them left the room they were in and headed down the hall.

The last four rooms on the second floor were relatively empty except for a few stray agents, which Isa and Bucky took care of in no time. Once they reached the back of the compound they headed up to the roof, clearing the stairs of any agent they came across. As soon as they hit the roof they swept it, guns drawn and ready for anything.

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