Chapter Twelve

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Warnings:More Angst(I know I'm Evil) Pain, (Trigger warning) Torture, Blood, Violence. Poison.

Authors note: Yup, more angst I know I am horrible but it had to be done. Russian may or may not be correct I apologize ahead of time. This one is complete from Isa's point of view the next chapter will be completely from Bucky's. Just a heads up.


The next time Isabelle woke up she found herself in a strange room, strapped to a table. Her head was pounding like a freight train and she noticed she was dressed in next to nothing, just a skimpy shirt and a pair of shorts. The last thing she remembered was that she was on a mission with Emerald, Bucky and Steve. Where were they though, her blue eyes searched around her franticly for some sign that someone else was there.

'Okay, this is not good...not good at all. Where the hell am I? Where's Emerald, and Steve and Bucky...oh god Bucky has to be worried sick right about now. Okay Breath Isa you can do this' her thoughts were running a thousand miles an hour as she tried to get out of her bindings.

She tried not to let her emotions get the best of her but it wasn't working an before long she was in tears, screaming at the top of her lungs for somebody, anybody to help her. Moments later the door behind her opened; an people came bustling into the room, and by the looks of them they were doctors. Not just any doctors though, no they were Hydra that was for certain by the badges on their lab coats.

"Umm hello, why am I here...." She said only to get looks in response instead of words. "I know you hear me talking to you. Why the hell am I here, what the hell is going on! Answer me dammit!"

The doctors and techs just shook their heads and went about their work around her not even bothering to answer her much to Isa's rising anger and panic. A few moments later another person walked into the room barking out orders in Russian. He circled the table Isa was strapped to and gave her a malevolent smile, still speaking in Russian to the doctors. Being that Isabelle knew Russian she understood every single word her face morphing into a look of pure fear.

"Vse gotovo nachat' testirovaniye da." The man asked his voice full of authority

"Da. My gotovy" The lead doctor replied with a nod of his head

"Otlichno. Togda nachnem." The man responded before turning to face Isa "Ahh good you're awake, now we can start."

"Start what...What the fuck am I doing here you Mudak" Isa spat out, trying to use her anger to hide her fear.

The man laughed, the sound of it making Isa's skin crawl as he stalked towards her. His hand came up and he slapped her hard enough to send her head to one side before he roughly grabbed her hair, making her yelp in pain.

"You're here Malen'kaya suka because Hydra has plans for you." He snarled in her ear before letting her go and stepping away again. He snapped his fingers and the doctors and lab techs surrounded her, holding her down and jabbing needles into her skin.

She fought against them hard, spewing every Russian, German and French curse word she knew as a strange neon poison was pumped into her. As it entered her veins her curses slowly changed to screams of pain, before black spots danced in her vision and she blacked out again.

She had to be out for only a few minutes before ice cold water was dumped on her startling her back to consciousness. This time she was sitting up, though still strapped down only now to a chair. Drenched to the bone, shivering and yet feeling like she was burning from the inside out she sat there staring down a dark haired dark eyed man before her. He stood there holding the empty bucket and a sick smirk on his face.

"They tell me you're good in combat, the Famous Arctic Viper. Ha! Look at you, you can barely hold your head up" The man spat at her disgust dripping from every word.

"An just who the hell are you" She says her words slightly slurred as everything around her starts to tilt a bit.

"Who am I.....? I am Alistair Grim you insolent little girl. I Am your worst nightmare" He stepped closer to her with every word till he was in her face, his dark eyes full of hate.

He really shouldn't have gotten that close cause the second she got the chance she swung her head forward colliding with his with enough force to knock him back a few steps an make him swear. When she lifted her head she found him wiping blood away from his nose, which made her smile a little. That is until he advanced on her and swung his fist right at her face, hitting her hard enough to knock the chair over and have her lying on the floor.

"Stupid little bitch.....Get her up and out of those binds. She wants to fight let see how she does against subject 9." Alistair spat angrily storming from the room while guards lifted the chair and removed her binding.

Isa sat there in a daze for a moment till the door opened again and a huge hulking male stepped in. His eyes were devoid of emotion and he was built pretty much like a freaking brick wall. A voice crackled through the room, startling her for a moment while the male stood at the opposite end completely unfazed.

"Right then, let's see just how good you are. Nomer 8 napadayet na neye"

The second the male across the room started advancing on her Isa shot out of her seat and made a shaky attempt at defending herself. Her first hit to his face dazed him, but only for a second before he grabbed her by her throat and threw her across the room. She hit the ground with a heavy thud her breath leaving her harshly. He was on her before she even had the chance to get up and his foot came back, kicking her hard in the stomach. She grit her teeth and tried to get away, practically crawling on the floor.

Two hours later and she was lying in the center of the room covered in blood an barely conscious. The one that had made her that way already escorted out of the room, while Alistair stood over her a disapproving look on his face.

"Guess the rumors were false, such a shame. No matter we will fix that soon enough. Clean her up a bit and put her in her cell" He snapped out at the guards before walking away.

Guards had carried her barely conscious body out of the room to her barren cell, where after a rough hose down they left her shivering an curled in a ball on the floor. Tears ran down her face, mixing with the water and the blood that was on her skin as she cried herself to sleep. 


(((So since I completely forgot to add this is shall add it now.)))

My Poor Baby *sniffles* Stupid Hydra coming in an ruining everything!!!
Все готово начать' тестирование да.-Everything is ready to start testing yes.

Да. Мы готовы -Yes. We are ready
Отлично. Тогда начнем. -Fine. Then let's get started.
Мудак - Asshole

Маленькая сука -little bitch
Номер 9 напасть на нее -Number 9 attack her
All the Russian translated for ya...hopefully that is right.

I do wish to apologize that I had not put this in before hand. Please forgive me. 

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