870 65 14

jaehyun: have you ever eaten chinese meat?

yuta: yeah

jaehyun: what was it like

yuta: he seemed to enjoy it

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〔 ❣ 〕: hello guys, wassup? sorry for the late updates tho, i'm so damn busy rn because of loaded school works and activities but i'm still managing to update so it doesn't rots HAHAHA!

anyways, the last time i'd checked this book, it only had 2.16k reads and now, it got 3.67k liek whut!?! i didn't expect this yeorobeun!

tysm and ily all!

i wish you still read and support this story, i'm really happy 'cause my book is trashy yet you still read it. once again, tysm my co-grasses!


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