13) A friend in need...

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Maybe it was only Vera's imagination, but the team of her badass friends created an approximation of a circle around her and Claire; the weakest parts. Vera really, really didn't like the idea, but she knew it was the truth. Also, having C4 at her feet felt worse.

"That's strange. He has something I haven't encountered with the Hand before. It sounds like... Kevlar of something, he's wearing a hood. There are tiny blades attached to the... suit. Lots of them, throwing stars.... Bow, arrows, some kind of an explosive substance," Matt whispered, his face twisted in concentration.

Vera's rapidly beating heart skipped a beat.

"Wait, what?!" she hissed incredulously, hope flickering. Was it possible...?

Even Vera could tell the quick footsteps now and she inconspicuously moved from the middle of the circle - not as inconspicuously as she thought apparently, because Matt took a step to his right, blocking her path, turning his head to side as if he wanted to say 'don't even think about it, what the hell are you doing'. He reached for one of his billy clubs.

Vera got a glimpse of green as the person appeared, string of his bow stretched to shoot. Vera gasped, trying to break free alongside Matt as their whole group tensed in anticipation.

"Whoa, whoa! Don't shoot!" Vera yelped and touched Matt's protective arm, which was still blocking her way, attempting a comforting gesture, a silent plea to let her walk out, because oh. My. God. "Or throw things! Or punches!"

Vera could tell the exact moment Matt slightly relaxed; while he was still ready to attack, he was taken aback by her outburst and he hesitantly let her step out. The archer, seeing she wasn't held against her will and none of them was about to attack, lowered his bow and returned the arrow back to his quiver.

"Vera," he greeted shortly, voice disguised, deep and gravelly.

She chuckled incredulously, crossing the distance between them. Not one of her friends said a word, shocked silence being their only reaction. Vera threw her arms around him.

"You came!"

She could tell he was thrown off by her familiarity, but he hugged her with his free arm, gloved hand gently resting between her shoulder blades. It occurred to Vera how inappropriately she reacted to his arrival and made this completely awkward, but to hell with it. He came.

"Well, it sounded urgent." Vera would swear she could hear a pleased note in his voice. She smiled through her tears. He was the one to break their hug, sensing it had lasted long enough.

"Thank you."

Oliver smiled under the hood warmly. Vera hesitantly eyed the group she had left; they were all staring, clueless. Matt returned his weapon to its place, recognizing Vera trusted this man; enough to run into his arms, apparently. Her cheeks flushed as Matt's head tilted in wordless wonder.

Colleen snapped from her trance first. "Who the hell is that?"

It worked like charm.

"Is that the Hawkeye guy?" Luke questioned.

"No," sounded stereo from Jessica and Matt. Matt had met Hawkeye before, so it was somewhat knowing, yet puzzled. Jessica probably knew better too, considering her observation skills.

"Well, who is he then?" Colleen asked exasperatedly, throwing her arm in his direction.

Vera slowly made her way back to them, getting ready to explain. Oliver followed.

All Roads Lead to Hell *Matt Murdock* (book three of Damned-3a)Where stories live. Discover now