Chapter 2: The Disappeared

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Tommy's POV:


Morning already! I thought while banging the top of my alarm clock to stop the annoying sounds! Gosh, it's SATURDAY!

I have to visit my uncle today, well it's a must every Saturday morning. The main reason I have to visit my uncle every Saturday morning is to keep him from being bored and alone, and he has to work in the bar around 10 am so I had to visit him in the morning at 9 am. My parents don't have good relations with my uncle, so I am the only relative that can talk to him. I don't know the reason why they have bad connections with each other, my parents nor my uncle would ever tell me! It gets annoying when they say "We will tell you when you're older."

I am freaking 17!

After I changed and made my bed, I looked at my mirror; I was about to pick up the comb. Then I just decided to leave my dirty blonde hair, messy. I was going to be late to my uncle's house.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and found my mom making breakfast. My mom looked up

"Really Tommy? sleeping in again." she sighed

"Sorry, mom must've set my alarm clock on the wrong time by accident."

She giggled "Like the last 14 times, c'mon this is your Uncle Jace you are visiting?"

I looked at my watch "Can't have breakfast mom; I'm gonna be late to uncle's house."

I went to the front door and as I was about to turn the handle when my mom called

"aren't you gonna have to eat breakfast!?"

I called back " Sorry mom; I got to go. Love you bye!"

Without even waiting for her to say "Love you too" or "At least get an apple," I just turned the handle, left the house, got on my bike and rode straight to my uncle's house. Uncle Jace's home is only about a few blocks away from our house so I should be able to get there in time.


A few minutes later, I have made it to uncle Jace's house, finally! I chained my bike on the rack and turned around to corner to Jace's home.

Turning around the corner and I found my uncle's house.......trashed.

The windows were shattered with glasses spread across the ground, the grassy pavement messed up, and even the house itself looked like it was hit by a tornado. The door was wide open, so someone must have broke in because uncle never left the door wide open when he goes out or is in the house.

What is going on? Is Jace okay?

As I stepped into the trashed house, the inside looks worse than the outside! Everything was knocked on the floor, glass shatterings everywhere, curtains and sofas ripped, and bullet holes, but no blood stains?

I looked around his only 1-floor house, and all I found was nothing but a big pile of mess. I decided to check his small kitchen, but same thing nothing but this time a big collection of unwashed dishes. I checked one of his cupboards and found a golden necklace with a golden pendant clock on it and a note next to it. Slowly opening the sealed letter with something said in it...

Tommy. You are the next Peacer. I cannot explain more, but he said find Sunmi. And take the Peacelace.

What?! Peacelace?! Peacer?! Who is he ?! And who is Sunmi?! What is even going on?! Where is Uncle Jace?! What is this! Fantasy!

As I was observing the necklace or so-called "Peacelace."

I heard a gunshot, and it sounds like its closer to Jace's house, but outside.

As my heart beats rapidly, I quickly stuffed the note and the Peacelace into my pocket and dashed out of the house and hid behind the bushes.

After a few minutes, I sneaked around the house to the back of the garden. I saw nothing and nobody but a massive pile of wilted lilies.

Wow. That mysterious guy was perfect at not leaving trails back to him I guess. Wait!

Why was I thinking of that weird guy all of a sudden? What is even going on?! I had to tell mom and dad about this.

I checked my pockets if I got my phone to call Jace or my parents. God Dang It! I forgot my freaking phone! Ugh, why me why!

I just headed back to my bike, unchained it from the bike rack and rode home.

"This is so confusing," I mumbled to myself.


As soon as I got home, I burst through the door and went straight to the living room where my mom was reading her newspaper.


My Mom put down her newspaper and softly comforted "Sweetheart, please calm down. What happened? And why did you come back so early?"

She helped me sit down, and I told her everything. Her eyes widened as I finished my traumatizing story.

She quickly called my dad, which he was too traumatized and said he would call the police.

My Mom told me to go to my room and rest.

I ran up the stairs down the hallway towards my room and slammed my door and locked it.

Then I noticed something shiny in my pocket. As I pulled the object out, I remembered the Peacelace and the note.

Oh, I forgot about this since I was so freaked out, and I didn't tell my parents either, maybe I'll let them know later.

As I was about to drift off to sleep, I had thought about maybe Jace is alive; there was no blood stains or corpses, so he must be alive!

And also what's a Peacer? If I'm a Peacer, what's going to happen to me? And most of all,

who is Sunmi?


Hey, I'm back. aka M writing this chapter

Did you enjoy the chapter? Did it leave you on a cliffhanger?

Well, keep reading! Because my best friend, L, is writing the two next chapters. And hopefully, you enjoy cause she is a better writer than me LOL!

Bye for now :)

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