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You ripped the headphones off as the tears streaked down you face. You remember everything. You now realise why Hannah looked so guilty towards you and cried so much after Jeff's death. You had initially thought maybe she had a crush on him. But nothing, nothing prepared you for that.

Your friend, a person you would tell secrets to, talk to about Jeff. Turned out to be one of the reasons that he was dead. Out of all the tapes you have never felt more heart broken. Knowing that for 2 weeks after Jeff's death Hannah kept talking to you knowing that she was the reason Jeff was dead.

You continued to cry, you got up and made your way towards the shower knowing that it would make you feel much better. Then you could get into one of Jeff's shirts or hoodies that he had left here. You didn't know how to get past this, what could possibly be worse than the death of your boyfriend.

The next day at school was filled with people gossiping about things that aren't important. You tried to ignore everyone just trying to focus on school. But a few people you just couldn't not talk to.

"Hey Rose, when are you coming back to cheer we all miss you so much" you heard her say as you turned around seeing Sheri standing there, her bouncy curls up in a ponytail for once.

"Soon Sher, I've just had a lot going on at the moment" you said truthfully. The tapes had taken up most of your time the past couple days. They had screwed with your normal routine, you weren't eating as often you were running on bare minimum of sleep.

"Okay well, we all hope you come back soon. Remember I'm always here if you need me" Sheri said as she quickly wrapped you in a hug, before walking through the crowded hallway. You leaned against the lockers trying to figure out how you can get through this day without breaking.

"How are you still friends with her?" The voiced said bringing you out of your daze.

"What? What are you talking about Ryan?" You said looking at the boy standing next to you. You both were friendly towards the other. Sometimes you'd help him with his magazine. He was always very helpful with english homework.

"I mean with what she did, I'm surprised you can even be around her" He said as he adjusted the strap of his computer bag on his shoulder.

"What did she do exactly?" You said furrowing your eyebrows, as he looked at you a look of realisation on his face. "You haven't finished them?" He gasped out more to himself than to you. Your breath started to quicken as you watched him.

"No? I've only just gotten past my second reason. Why? Ryan what did she do?" Your voice cracked as you couldn't comprehend what the boy in front of you was trying to suggest.

"Nothing, I shouldn't have said anything" he said as he started to walk away, tears started to form in your eyes. Just thinking about all the bad things that had happened in the last few weeks what could make you hate Sheri?

"Ryan, what did she do?" you whispered out as you grabbed a hold of his forearm making him unable to move without making a scene in the hallway. You watched as his eyes kept flicking between you and the hallway.

"Rose Walker to the Office, Rose Walker" you looked around as you let go of Ryan, walking towards the office your mind clogged as you try and figure out what Sheri could have done. Most of your classmates watching you, whispering about why you were going to the office. Obviously they have nothing better to do than be assholes.

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