Jeon So-min (Somin) x Reader

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This lovely lady is in KARD

woohoo finally doing a mix-gendered group whoops


You have a timer on your wrist counting down until you meet your soulmate

-as you grew up

-you questioned

-why did you have to get a timer of all things


-then you'll always be stressed for that moment

-because god knows how you'll meet

-could be in your sweatpants jamming out to a random song when they walk in

-could be looking your finest at a wedding

-could just be doing nothing

-because that was pretty cool too


-it was your goal in life

-to at least look good on the day that you met your soulmate

-because if you knew

-you were gonna use this information to your advantage

-of course sometimes the various things you did in your life effected the time on your timer

-like the time that you bought a KARD album

-your timer dropped by a couple of weeks

-you didn't know why until you opened your album

-and saw a ticket for a fansign

-you squealed

-you immediately called your friend to tell them

-they were excited for you

-especially since your timer went down

-and you were excited for that too

-does that mean your soulmate is going to be a Hidden KARD?

-who knows

-after waiting and waiting for the fansign though

-the time finally came

-and good god were you excited

-your timer was down at a couple of hours at this point

-which led to you leaving your house early in excitement

-it had no effect on your time though

-so it led to to believe that your soulmate wasn't a hidden kard

-but who knows

-at the actual fansign

-after being let in

-you were pretty much in the middle of the chairs

-not at the front

-not at the back

-but a pretty good spot, although you kind of wished to get a front seat

-but lucky for you there wasn't anyone super tall in front of you

-so you could still see

-thank god

-you took tons of videos and pictures of all the members to send to your friend later

-and because you wanted to remember this

-by the time it was your turn to go up, you hadn't realized how low your timer had gotten


-you didn't realize until you felt a burning sensation on your wrist as you got to Somin

-both of you flinched and looked at your wrists

-only to see that the timer had turned to a gold-ish color

-you both looked at each other realizing what was happening

-and you just kept staring

-by the time the two of you had been knocked out of your trance it was time for you to move onto the next member

-but before you did

-Somin took your arm and wrote down her number just in case she couldn't catch you after the fansign

-you were ecstatic

-partially because she was your bias

-partially because she was hot

-and partially because you now had her number even if you didn't get to see her again that day

-but luckily for you when you were being told to leave

-she snuck out of her changing room

-came over and dragged you with her

-shouting a sorry for the trouble to the staff

-and then a sorry to you for dragging and running away with you

-the two of you ended up in her changing room

-because that was just the easiest place to go at the time

-"Well... Uh... I'm (Y/N), and I already know who you are I guess."

-you both laughed at your awkward introduction

-it was progress though

-knowing how you now knew who your soulmate was

-it would be a lot easier to get to know them

-especially since you had been a fan of hers for a long time

-so that helped

-it also helped that the two of you had some similar interests

-but good god did you enjoy talking to her

-and being around her

-and just knowing that she was yours

-and that you were hers

-and just everything seemed right when the two of you were together

-stress faded away

-and you were just happy

-and that's how the two of you liked it

-from then on, any time that you were free

-you came to pretty much all of their concerts

-and cheered them on

-and both of you were happy that you could support each other

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