Chapter 10: The Biddle Case

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"Dammit." I searched the files more closely, but nothing supported anything. Being a detective means you have to choose which side to choose; destroy Leo or lock up Paige for false evidence. I let out a large sigh, which made Connor walk upto me. 

"Alyssa, is there something up?" Connor asked me, peering at me closely as if he was checking each detail of my face. 

"You know you can call me Ally, right?" I furrowed my eyebrow, but he just kept with the still face. 

"I just thought because of the awkwardness between us that for some reason we was no longer friends." 

"What, no!" I began to scan his face too, before snapping out of it. "A-anyway, this Biddle Case...something just dosen't seem right. Or is it just me?"

"Hm. I do sense something up." He sat beside me on the chair, and began reading the files too. "The question is, who to believe?"

I sighed. "On one hand, Leo did seem a bit off in the questioning and did have human blood on his face - but, if they escaped the building while her 'head was bleeding', how did he get blood over him?"

"Are you trying to imply that Paige Biddle was lying?" He looked at me sternly, as if he disagreed with my idea. 

"I mean-"

"I side with Paige here. Her story seems more believable than Leos." Connor even looked a bit angry at me, but I do believe in my opinion. 

"If you think so, but if you add it all up-"

Connor interrupted me, again. "You're wrong, Alyssa."

I didn't even bother saying he could call me Ally, because quite clearly he isn't interested at the moment. "Well, I have a meeting to attend about this."

Connor stood up too, which I was a bit confused about. "You got an invitation?" 

"Well, no. But I too are supporting the case, so I better file my opinion too." He said as he followed me down the hallway to the room. When we stood outside the double doors, I pushed it open with my good hand, and was greeted by a load of detectives, and even the mayor. 

"Sit, Alyssa." Jeffrey Fowler was looking at me as I sat down, then switching his glance from me to Connor. "What are you doing here, rk800?" 

"I am here to file the evidence on the Biddle case too."

"Right. Just stand by the door, we aren't expecting anyone else anyway." Jeffrey stood at the front, next to the board. "We have been gave two sides of the story on this case, and of course as detectives, we must add up the information. Miller, would you like to start with your evidence?"

I sighed and stood up, moving my way over to the front. "Well, I side with android Leo here." Everyone in the room looked at me angrily, Connor too. I gulped. "I know you guys think that Paige is more believable, but hear me out here. She said that Sophie Biddle screamed, and she went to attend. There she said that her face had been slapped, and her head was bleeding. But she never stated that Leo had blood on his hands, and also said they fled immediately - and how did she know that Leo went into the attic and messed with the ariel? We asked the neighbours in the flat, and they said their electricity power was fine." 

"But, Miller, why do you think Leo had human blood on him?" One of the people around the table asked. 

"I believe this was a set up. There was also blue blood along the furniture, so that could mean that he was hit at least a couple of times, and that human blood was from the blood from her hand, because when I looked closer at her hand, it did seem that she had some sort of knife cut along her palm." 

"But that could be from the android!" Jeffrey said. 

"This morning I scanned the knife that was in her kitchen, and her finger prints was on the knife." A group of people in white outfits went to the front and showed the knife using gloves, placing it onto the table. "It just adds up."

They stared at me, shocked. I looked over at Connor, who too seemed taken aback. "That was..." Jeffrey just cut off, and took me back to my seat. "Well, currently I believe in what Alyssa Miller thinks. How about you guys?" 

Everyone nodded along, writing down onto their paper. Thank god. 

"But.." He looked at me. "We still have to destroy Leo and help Paige."

"WHAT? WHY?!" I slammed the table and stood, shocking everyone. 

"Miller." He looked at me sternly. "If they know we sided with a robot, they will shut us down."

"That dosen't matter though! We have just found the truth, and yet you decide to ignore such an important case just to save your reputation?!" 

"Yes! Or else we will lose business, and it looks like you would be the first one to go, Miller!"

I stopped and sat back down. "This is bullshit." 

Jeffrey shook his head. "It's decided. Destroy the robot. Side with Paige." 

"I'm sorry." Leo shivered, staring at me with such frightened eyes. "I tried, and they ignored me. Bunch of-"

"I just want to live. Why do they think because we're robots that our lives don't matter?" He looked generally terrified, and I felt so bad even though I tried my best. 

"There's got to be something we can do." I arched my eyebrows, thinking. 

"MARKUS!" Leo shouted out, staring at me with a slight smile on his face. "They are going to destroy me in 5 days. Go to Markus, tell him. He will save me, and all the other androids."

"Where is this Markus?" 

"On the coast, in his HQ. It has Jericho painted in red paint along the front. You won't miss it, Alyssa. You've got to hurry though, or else I will die here. And pick the right words, too."

I looked at him strangely, before softening my face. "Okay. I promise I will get you out of here, Leo. Just hold on a little longer."

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