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[y/n] was tapping away at her laptop, lying on her bed.  It was pitch dark outside, the moon shining in through her window, although it was a bit blocked by the [f/c] curtains.  Legs in the air and swaying, [y/n] kept boredly scanning the web, soon coming across the CreepyPasta websight.  Yawning, she frowned and opened the page.  "I've already read these but...  Let's read again..."  She grumbled to herself.

After a few minutes, she was engulfed in her reading, eyes halfway closed.   This was so boring...  Soon enough, yawning, she closed her laptop and stuffed it under her pillow, pulling her blankets over her and closing her eyes, slowly falling asleep...

There was a noise that awoke [y/n], whom looked around her room, blinking.  Her window was closed, but the curtains were pulled back...  Instinctively, her [e/c] eyes narrowed and she sat up.  "Who's there!?"  Her voice cut sharply through the darkness.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out and she was tackled, pinned to the bed.  Above her was a man in a mask, staring at her...  She yelped and her eyes went wide, seeing this- The mask was blue with black 'eyes', black goo running down it...  She couldn't believe it-- This was-- This was...  Eyeless Jack...

Swallowing thickly, cold sweat began ti run down her neck, knowing what usually happened to the people that encountered this CP...

Feeling cold metal against her skin, reflexes took in and [y/n] proceeded to kick Eyeless Jack in the gut, making him cringe and back away a bit, though he was still goin' for dem kidneys.  And, now she moved to knee him in the crotch- But her leg was caught just in time--

Though that's when there was a long, awkward pause, and she blinked.  What happened--?  The guy just...  Froze up--  And then she realized--  Her knee was gently pressed up against his junk--

This made her feel very uncomfortable, and that uncomfortableness grew more as she tried to move her knee away, only to hear a slight groan from the CreepyPasta.  

"Fuck..."  He scowled from under his mask-  And fear took place in [y/n] again, a small panic washing over her- She didn't dare move her knee again, though her eyes went even wider when...  He ground himself down on her knee. "Great..."  She could hear him say.  "Guess I've got different plans for you now..."  

She was so confused, but that's when she felt her knee get shoved down, and, hearing something be set down, lips crashed into hers.  Immediately she tried to get away, but hands soon grabbed her wrists and pinned them down, hips pressing against hers.  She could feel something...  Hard pressing against her, even through her clothes.  

A sudden jolt of pain sparked in her lip, which had been bit by sharp teeth, making her gasp as her mouth opened and a warm, moist tongue slipped in, exploring around.  [Y/n] was trying not to give into the dangerous temptation, as the kiss felt absolutely amazing, but that didn't work out so well, and a soft moan soon came up and got muffled by the kiss when Jack had ground his hips against hers.

Soon, one hand was holding both her wrists up, and she could see as her shirt was cut by the scalpel Jack had, the now useless clothing being torn off and flung away, a thick blush spreading across [y/n]s face.  Her heart was racing so fast...

She could then feel small kisses being trailed up her neck, a small growl hitting her ears.  "Tell me...  What's your name...?"  His voice was so husky and she shivered at the hot air against her ear.

Yet yer voice caught in her throat.

"Tell me!"  He demanded, biting her ear and making her yelp as he lapped up the blood.

"[Y-Y/n]..."  The [h/c] girl said quickly.

"Hm...  Pretty name..."  Kisses trailed back down her neck, and Jack soon latched onto one area, sucking on it and slightly biting it, sucking up the blood.  A small moan came from the female's mouth, giving in completely now, jolting as one hand groped her breast.  

Once more, kisses were trailed down, past her shoulder and collarbone and to her breast.  Licking one of the nubs, causing [y/n]s back to arch and her to gasp, Jack grinned widely, playing with her other breast using his hand.  He started to suck om the nub, quite roughly, a red faced [y/n] gasping again and moan loudly.  "A-Ah-- Jack-"  

"So you know my name..."  The kidney eating CreepyPasta mumbled.  "Good...  Because you'll be screaming it all night."

Her neck and breasts were abused some more as he grinded his hips to hers, making louder moans come up from her throat.  Soon, both of their clothes were gone and scattered across the floor.  Biting her neck, Jack positioned himself at her entrance, grinning against her neck.  

Not even asking, he roughly slammed into her, causing a near scream to emit from her, though he shut her up by kissing her.  Kindly, he waited, pulling away from the kiss...  Slowly, [y/n], feeling the member of Jack inside her, blushed heavily and bit her lip.  The pain had gone away...  And she felt... Like she wanted more then to just have him in her...  So she slightly rolled her hips.

Noticing this, a, slightly crazed, grin came to Jack's face as he pulled out, all the way until just his tip was in, and then he thrust back in, a gasp and loud moan coming from [y/n].  "H-Hn-"  She took a deep breath.

Breathing lightly, he pulled out and slammed back in a few times, at an even pace, but the female still wanted more.  Boy, this was dangerous...  "P-Please-"  she moaned as she began to beg.  "Faster-"  

With a snicker and kissing her neck, Jack lifted her legs up and put them over his shoulders, picking some of her lower half up and beginning to thrust faster, only he was now plunging deeper as well, which made her moaning louder. 

Soon, he found her sweetspot, and began to ruthlessly pound against that, groaning softly.  She was soon nearly screaming...  "Ah, JACK-~!"  Yep, she screamed out his name and moaned loudly as he went even faster, a knot tying in her stomach.

"[Y-Y/n]..."  He grunted out, continuing to pick up the pace till it was nearly inhuman,  panting heavily as he listened to her moans.  

The corners of [y/n] s vision went white as she threw her head back a bit, screaming his name again and clamping down on his hot, throbbing member.  She was so close, as was he.  Eventually, she couldn't take anymore and she squeezed her eyes shut, moaning loudly as she came, him thrusting just a few more times, riding out her climax before he ended up climaxing as well, panting heavily.  

He pulled out of her, sweating, a small yawn coming from the female, who was tired now...  He debated on taking her kidney now or later...  Soon deciding against both.  She was his bitch now--  And he probably wouldn't ever get a chance at anything like that with anyone else...  He kissed her forehead as she slowly fell asleep, getting up and sighing, pulling his clothes on and setting his mask back on as well.  His stomach growled... 

~~~~~~ The next morning~~~~~~

Waking up with a yawn, [y/n] sat up, feeling a slight...  Discomfort in her nether regions- Yet she spotted a note and grabbed it, reading it.

'I can't wait for breakfast'  as well as that, there was a winky face...  And her face heated up--

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eyeless Jack x reader lemonWhere stories live. Discover now