Fuck it's starting

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15 year old Colin, he was just like every other boy. He liked video games, didn't go outside for days at a time, and he was gay as fuck. However this was a problem, considering he lived in Nowhere, Nebraska. Everyone for miles around was Republican, Christian, and believed the gays were ruining the sanctity of marriage. So thanks to this, he avoided that part of himself like the plague, not because he thought it was wrong or anything, but because he had a crush on one of his best friends. Cerbrain was the most attractive boy Colin had ever seen. Colin was convinced this fact was going to bite him in the ass.

"Colin....Colin...Earth to Colin" He was stunted back to reality by his friend Phil, snapping in his face.

"What? Oh damn sorry, I'm thinking about that math test we have after lunch." He lied. Colin was daydreaming about Cerbrain's dreamy eyes staring him down like he was a freshly frosted red velvet cake. Him staring at the younger boy devouring him with his eyes. It made him drool at the thought. But now wasn't time to think about that.

"Yeah dude, Mrs. Guzzle its fuckin horrible at teaching math." His other friend Michael said before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I betcha I'll make the worst grade out of all the class." Cerbrain laughed, catching Colin's eye as he did it. Not wanting to be caught staring, Colin quickly averted his eyes back down to his uneaten lunch on the table.

"You okay dude?" Michael asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah.." Colin mumbled, desperately wishing the attention would turn to another topic. Damn what was wrong with him, why was he so infatuated with this boy who probably didn't even like him as a friend let alone as a lover. "I just...I just need to get some fresh air." He quickly got up and stumbled out of the makeshift cafeteria, making the entirety of their grade (17 students) look at him with concern and worry.

Once he was outside, Colin leaned up against a tree, sighing in defeat. He was gonna have to tell Cerbrain eventually, but it was gonna kill him.

"Maybe during graduation." He thought. "But there was no way I'm gonna make it to graduation." His inner turmoil made him wanna slam his head against a tree until he knocked some sense into himself.

"Dude  are you okay?" Phil's voice startled him out of his thoughts for the second time that day.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just felt...really dizzy for some reason and I needed to get out of there."He lied. "I'm better now. I think it was all the mind control chemicals they put in the vents that were messing with my head." Colin laughed. This seemed to put Phil as ease and he laughed too.

"Come on dude, we all know its that school lunch you've been eating I think they're poisoning you." Phil smiled and got up. "We've got a math test to fail." He held out his hand to help Collin up, which he gladly took.

After a grueling math test, and what felt like the most boring English lesson of his entire life, school finally ended for the week. Thanks to this, Colin had time to hang out with his friends after school..

"Dude wanna head Gracie's?" Michael asked practically skipping to his car.

"No I wanna go hang out in my family's pasture. Of course I wanna head to Gracie's." Collin replied punching Michael on the shoulder.

"Okay dickhead. Meet ya there." Phil smirked before getting in his car.

"You seem to be feelin a lot better." Cerbrain grinned as he started walking with Collin.

"Yeah..except for Mr. Charles's fucking English lesson almost brought me to tears."

Collin got into Cerbrain's truck. He always rode with at least one of his friends, although most Friday's Cerbrain drove him because the other two normally had other things to do, although this time they all were headed to their hangout. Once the truck was rolling Cerbrain turned up the radio and began to sing. Collin loved the way Cerbrain sung, it always lifted his mood no matter how horrible he felt before hand.

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