Dust To Dust

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· Clint had been watching the unfolding events from his farmhouse, keeping his family close. Laura's thankful he's not out there.

· When the story breaks on the news of people dissolving in the streets, Clint tries to call Nick Fury, only to get his answering machine.

· After his third try to reach Fury, he hears Laura screaming his name.

· Running into the kitchen, he just makes it in time to see the last bits of her fade away.

· Panic floods him as he yells for Lily and Cooper.

· He falls to his knees when he finds Lily's Captain America bear lying in the yard.

· The cries of Nathaniel pulls him back into the house.

· With heavy footsteps he heads to his toddler's room, following the wailing.

· He feels his heart lighten slightly when he sees his baby boy standing up in his cot, his little arms outstretched toward his daddy.

· "It's okay, buddy, everything's going to be okay"

· Clint picks up Nathaniel Pietro and cradles him close to his chest.

· Were things going to be okay? He'd lost his wife, his eldest son and little princess, but he still had someone to look after and love.

· "Everything's going to be okay, I promise"

· Just as the words leave his lips, he feels his baby boy's body getting lighter.

· He's terrified to look down.

· When he does, he's met with the big blue eyes of his son, still tear-filled, cheeks rosy red from the screaming.

· More of his body fades away, until Clint's left with empty arms.

· Clint wasn't sure how many hours had passed.

· He was still slumped against Nathaniel's cot, tears dried but empty inside.

· The front door opens and he hears soft clicking heels.

· "Clint?"

· Natasha feels her heart breaking as she finds her oldest friend, her partner, her brother in this much despair.

· What makes it worse is that she understood he's lost everything and she had even more bad news to break.

· "Who else?" Clint asked in a raw voice.

· "Wanda." Natasha replies with a heavy heart.

· His head falls, his chin hitting his chest.

· Wanda may not have been his blood, but that didn't matter. She was a child when he found her, who needed help and care.

· She deserved better.

· Natasha watched as Clint silently broke even further, she slowly walked over to him and sat next to him.

· "It's going to be okay, Clint," She murmured, wrapping an arm tightly around his shoulder, letting him sob into her neck.

· "We're working on a way to fix this, we're getting everyone back. I promise"

· Clint doesn't believe her, Natasha hardly believes herself.

· Then again, they'd all lost so much, what else have they got to lose?

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