Chapters 5- Cheater Cheater

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Cameron ♥

Hamilton Nash Grier is by far the most confusing guy I've ever met. And that's coming from me, the guy who likes to run around holding people's hands at random, and shooting people with bubble guns in Barnes and Nobles. But honestly, Nash is onion. He has so many fricking layers, and he'll never fail to make you cry. I've known Nash for about a year now, and I, much to my chagrin, still can't figure him out.

Sometimes he'll be this ball of energy with electric blue eyes, zipping around and shouting about "the booty" in a thick country accent. Then sometimes he'll just be...angry. Everything irritates him, and his eyes look like the sky before a storm, and if I so much as utter a word he'll go off. All the way. But the most irritating side of him is when he's deep in thought. He spaces, and you have to jump off the empire state building to get his attention. His eyes turn this bluey grey color, and his eyebrows pull together, and he's just, not even here anymore. I hate being ignored.

When Nash told me he was going to Madison's, he was none of those. His eyes held real and genuine panic. Nash was a nervous person. He had a bad tendency of always thinking up the worst possible outcome. Whatever was going on, he was obviously in a panic. That worried me. As soon as he left, I turned to Carter.

"We're going after him aren't we" he asked with a knowing look on his face.

"You get ready, I'll check twitter."

I snatched my phone and got onto twitter. I stared at the list of people I follow, and tapped Madison's name as quickly as possible so I didn't have to think about it. So I didn't have to feel it. I still followed her despite what happened, because that's just the kind of guy I am. I also stalked her for a week after everything between us. That's also the kind of guy I am. She was having a party at her Aunt's mansion. Huh.

"Carter!" I yelled, louder than was necessary.

"Jezus, I'm here, I'm here." he came in with his snapback on, and a piece of pizza half hanging out of his mouth. "Where we goin'?" he asked with his mouth full.

"Madison's Aunt's mansion. She's having a party." Carter's eyes softened instantly, and he opened his mouth, but as expected nothing came. I mean, what could you say to that, 'Sorry dude, but your best friend's a total tool, and just ditched you to go to some party with the girl who literally tore your heart from your chest.' How 'bout no? I wasn't going to pretend not to be hurt. It burned. That Nash would just- run off to Madison's to get trashed and take some girl home and leave me behind. If I was being honest it ached, like a punch in the gut a few minutes after.

"C'mon man, let's go." Carter said patting my back and ushering me towards the door. I nodded, but said nothing. "And.. hey. If Nash is really gonna go do something like this, then what type of guy is he. Cam you're an amazing person, and if Nash can't see that, then he doesn't deserve you. Now, chin up. We have a party to crash." and with that, we were out the door, but I couldn't help thinking that Carter's speech was just like what you'd say to someone after they were cheated on. My thoughts lingered restlessly on that topic for the entire ride.


This party was off the chain, and surprisingly I didn't mean that in a good way. The place smelled like someone had strung beer scented car fresheners around the room. My eyes stung because of the stench, and I felt the Constant urge to gag. I looked around for Nash  only to see him sucking faces with Kylie Jenner's slutty ass. Filled with rage I turn around only to see Hayes doing the same thing with Madison. Wondering how many sluts their are at this party, I storm over to the couch they were on, rip Madison off of Hayes, grab him by his collar, drag him to my car, and throw him inside the backseat, and drive off. As I drove off I look back at the house, only to see Nash at the doorway, with Kylie on his arm as he waves for us to stop. 


0MG, Cam's new video came out today and I nearly died. Jerome also put out his video and I was mega pissed that he cut out Nash kissing that guy! In other news today I got into this hour long argument with my Cousin about Cam and Nash being gay for each other. Funny things 0 is, I just showed her Cam today. Anyways, vote, comment, and follow me. Also, share this story with your friend. My goal is to get some of the really great Cash fanfiction writers like @dianacaniff, and @Shhlmaturtle to read this, so if they read your stuff, and write their own, share it. Love you, ♡me

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