Chapter 6- Blueberry Muffs Aren't Enough

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Nash ♡

My head killed. I felt as though I'd just jogged five miles wearing an anvil as a hat. I lifted my hand to my face to wipe away the sleep in my eyes, and stopped when I saw a back blur. I blinked a few times. From what I could make out, it was message.

That was fun, we should hang again~ Kyles ♡

And then she put her number. I nearly died. I had Kylie Jenner's phone number. I had Kylie Jenner's phone number. I, Hamilton Nash Grier had the Kylie Jenner's phone number! I wasted no time making a contact for her in my phone. Next, I collected myself. With what I figured out despite my hangover, I remebered coming to the party for Hayes. Oh God Hayes! I'd left him alone with that crazy slut bag Madison! I hoped he was okay. Standing up, (and falling down a couple of times) I high-tailed it to down the stairs in search of the party host.

People were passed out everywhere, and it was actually pretty hilarious. I paused to take a picture with a guy who's arms were through the leg of his pants, before heading into the kitchen where I heard faint noises. I walked in, cradling my pounding head, and was greeted by the unsettling sight of Madison making out with some guy. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Listen up whore-bag I'm looking for my brother, and if you'd pause from vacuming up that guy's face for a minute, I'd love for you to tell me where he is." Madison already knew I couldn't stand her, yet she was still super nice to me anyway, for who knows what reason.

"Oh, hey Nash. I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Stephano!" she smiled, and gestured towards the guy she'd just been devouring who couldn't have been younger than nineteen.

The guy frowned looking confused. "Wait, how old are you?"

"Fifteen..." Madison said cautiously. The guy rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone from the counter.

"Yeah, I'm leaving." he said flatly, before exiting the kitchen.

"Aw man, he was cute." Madison said with a frown. She then turned to me, as if just realizing I was there "Now what did you need Nash?"

"Hayes." I said, wincing at how loud my voice came out. "I need Hayes." Madison smiled fondly at my brother's name, and my eyes narrowed. She'd already gotten Cam and Carter. If this bitch thought she was gonna sink her claws into my little brother, she had another thing coming.

"Hayes left early last night. We were hanging out and then all of a sudden someone grabbed him." she pouted "We were having so much fun." I cringed at the last part, but ignored it anyway.

"Who'd he leave with?" I asked, concern seeping into my tone. Madison downed a glass of water and knitted her brow.

"Cam. Cam took Hayes, and he looked pretty damn furious." I sighed bringing a hand through my hair. I did remember seeing Cam last night, or at least I think I did, but he drove off before we could talk. I knew what I had to do. I started to leave, but paused in the doorway.

"Hey Beer, listen up, I don't know what kind of ho-house you're trying to run here, considering the fact that you're freaking fifteen, but don't bring Hayes into it. Hayes is a kid. He doesn't know anything about 'playing the game', he just likes girls, and hopes that they like him back. He doesn't grasp the concept of a one night stand-thank God. I can't tell Hayes how to live his life- he won't listen, but I can tell you this: Do not hurt Hayes. If you do, I will come for you. You hurt Cam more than he was willing to show, and I won't let you do that to someone I love ever again." I felt as if I'd jus let out a long breath. I looked to Madison, who was eating a muffin. She blinked.

"Okay." she chewed some more. I inwardly face-palmed. Had she gotten any of that? I sighed, her muffin looked good, and I hadn't eaten. That speech took a lot out of me.

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