Business by Day...Party By Night

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Skylar Thompson swore she must have yawned 10 times in a matter of minutes. She had worked so late and only got a couple hours sleep before having to get up this morning. She rode the elevators up to the 14th floor of the TruTV building in downtown Manhattan. She was in her senior year at NYU finishing her degrees as a double major in business and communications. Her dream was to hopefully become an executive producer in TV or movies but first she needed a kickass internship for the school year. Luckily her cousin Bessy came to her rescue and suggested her husband, Joe, to help her.

He had a super successful TV show and was willing to help her in anyway she needed. So somehow Skylar had to survive school work, this internship, and working her job until the early hours of the morning. She had no choice. Her parents died the night after she graduated from high school in a car accident. They left her money but unfortunately having to live on her own at such a young age came with many expenses and her inheritance was running thin now. So working at a job that she wasn't necessarily proud of was her only option for the time being.

When she reached her floor she followed the directions the man at the front desk had given her. She found the set of glass doors with Impractical Jokers on them and walked in. Joe was waiting for her when she entered and she was so relieved to see his familiar face. Her cousin Bessy was older than her but they were still extremely close, more than ever since Skyler's parents had passed away. Her husband was such a great guy and always looked out for her since she moved to New York to start college 4 years ago.

"Hey! You found it!" Joe greeted her with a huge hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah it's actually not far from my apartment at all." She said smiling.

"You look tired kid! You okay?" Joe asked.

Skylar ran her fingers through her hair nervously, "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just worked late last night, but I'm ready to go. Thank you again!"

"Believe me I get it! Bes told me you got a new job at a restaurant in town. Which one, we've been wanting to come see you but you never said which one." Joe asked.

Skylar's heart started to race a little bit trying to come up with a lie, "Oh umm...that's okay, it's a steakhouse anyways, Bes is vegetarian she wouldn't like anything there." She was trying to keep her composure.

"Nonsense!" Joe stated, "Bes finds something anywhere she goes. As long as there's salad and a side of mashed potatoes she's good to go."

"Good morning!" A voice came from behind them interrupting. Skylar breathed a sigh of relief because it seemed like Joe had forgotten all about their previous conversation.

"Skylar do you remember Murray?" Joe said introducing the two.

"Yes of course! How are you?" Skylar stuck out her hand.

"Good, gosh I don't think I seen you since Joe and Bessy's wedding." He said, "Excited you'll be working with us for the year."

"Thank you for having me hang around, I really appreciate this." Skylar said.

"Alright well let's get started, Monday mornings we try and get be staff together and go over the week's schedule. So we'll have you sit in on that and then I'm probably gonna have you help out Cha for the day." Joe told her leading the way to a big conference room in the back.

When they walked in it was still pretty quiet as the meeting wasn't staring for another 20 minutes. There were two men that were already seated going over some work. "Great, glad you guys are here!" Joe greeted his two friends, Q and Sal. The two men immediately jumped and shoved their papers in folders. They were working on the details for a double punishment they had planned for Joe and Murr in a few weeks.

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