Called In

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"I don't understand why you are working tonight?" Q complained. "You said you were off."

"I was babe but they called me in. Some last minute party was book. Said it was an emergency." She answered.

Brian looked up from his desk looking very irritated, "What... a stripper emergency?!" He exclaimed.

Skylar's eyes widened in both anger and shock, "Seriously?!" She said jumping up to slam his office door shut.

"Sorry." Brian apologized not realizing how loud he had yelled that. They had been sitting in his office at work talking about plans for dinner tonight when she suddenly got a text from her boss. "Just sucks. I was out of town most of last week and you had study group the past couple nights, it was gonna be nice to actually spend some time together." Brian didn't wanna add that he also hates that fact that their date was getting canceled because she had to strip for other men.

"I gotta fly home and shower." She said leaning in to give his cute pouty lips a kiss. "I'm sorry, don't be too mad at me."

"Call me when you get home tonight." Q called out reminding her even though she always did anyway.

It may have been a good thing that Skylar had work because Q was able to stay at the office and work on some last minute stuff for the shoot tomorrow. He looked up when there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Murr." He greeted his friend.

"You around tonight?" Murray asked.

"Actually yeah, Skylar had to work tonight. We were supposed to do something but guess not." Brian said still annoyed.

"Bummer but that means you can come out with me and some of the crew. They wanted to celebrate the book." Murr said. Q was really proud of Murray, his new book had actually hit number one on the bestsellers list and he was really excited about it.

"Sounds cool! I'm in, where we going?" Q asked.

"That strip club over on 60th, guys all pitched in for a private room." Murr smiled pretty excited.

Brian's eyes grew huge, "You mean Sapphire?!"

"Yeah that's it!" Murray responded, "You've been there before haven't you?"

Inside Brian was freaking out. Now it was all starting to click together. The private event that Skylar was called in for was for Murray. "You can't go there!" He basically screamed in Murray's face. "Place is a dump!"

"A dump?!" Murray reacted shocked to his friend's behavior. "It's one of the most elite clubs in the Tri-State area. Listen we are heading over in about an hour, hope to see you there buddy."

Brian realized there was no convincing Murray to change his plans so he only had one other option, find Skylar and fast. Once Murray left his office, Q quickly pulled his phone out to dial his girlfriend. Skylar had left hours ago and he knew she must have already gotten to work. After he called a few times with no success he sent a text.

We have a problem. That party you're working tonight is for Murray. Him and bunch of people from set are on their way to you NOW!

It was 7pm so Q knew traffic in Manhattan was going to be ridiculous but that also meant Murray and everyone else was going to be stuck in the same traffic. He quickly grabbed his keys and headed for the parking garage.

After weaving his way in and out of cars, beeping at practically everyone that dared to cross in front of him, he arrived in about a half hour. Basically abandoning his car with the valet, Q ran inside hoping Murray or anyone else didn't beat him here.

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