Love Bite

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I didn't write this....Strange.x.And.x.Beautiful from did. I hope you enjoy!!

Love Bite

All the characters in this story belong to Stephenie Meyer, but I bet you already knew that.

I'm really into oneshots lately, don't ask me why, actually it's probably because I know I won't have to update them hehe.

So enjoy!

"Where is she?" Edward asked Bella as he paced the living room like an angry lion. "She's not allowed out in public yet, she knows that. What is she playing at?"

"Will you stop worrying? She's probably out with Jacob." Bella told him calmly as she snuggled into his chest. "Why don't we make the best of this situation whilst we're alone?"

"I'll kill her for not telling us." Edward grumbled, ignoring Bella's suggestion.

"She's stuck here all the time; she needs to get out every now and again."

"Well it would be nice to be notified." He paused, "what if something's happened to her? How are we going to know where to look?"

There was a knock at the door and Edward visibly exhaled with relief. He walked over within milliseconds and opened it to reveal Jacob soaked from the rain.

"Hi." Jacob greeted them as he walked in. "Where's Nessie?" he asked as he glanced around the living room.

Edward's face dropped from relived to angry. "What do you mean 'where's Nessie'?" he asked with clenched teeth.

"Hey, what did I do?" Jacob asked in bewilderment as he looked at the livid vampire.

"We thought Nessie was out with you. Do you know where she's gone?"

"Would I come round here and ask you if I knew where she was?"

"Oh my God, where is she then?" Bella started to panic as she took her mobile out and started dialling the Cullen mansion.

The door opened and in walked Nessie with a smile plastered over her face.

"Where the hell have you been?" Bella shouted at her daughter as she pulled her into a fierce hug.

"I went over to see Alice and Rosalie." Nessie shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell us? We were so worried."

"I've been stuck in here for like a week now, I wanted to get out. I didn't think it would be a problem."

"It is when you don't tell us where you're going."

"Well I'm home now, stop freaking out."

Edward was still scowling in a father-like fashion and Jacob eyed Nessie with a look of horror on his face. Bella noticed Jacob's expression and followed his eyes to the spot he was looking at, she gasped surprised with what she saw. Edward then cottoned on from the rush of violent thoughts Jacob was having and his eyes then landed at his daughter's neck.

"What?" Nessie asked trying to be innocent; she quickly pulled some hair over her collarbone to hide the evidence.

"Tell me," Edward said in a silky voice which Nessie knew meant danger. "Where did you go again?"

"To see Alice and Rosalie. Why?"

Nessie saw her father's body language change into a relaxed posture and it signalled trouble, she looked over to her mother and saw that her eyebrows were furrowed in disapproval, lastly she looked over at Jacob and saw his arms crossed over his chest looking like he could murder someone at that moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2010 ⏰

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