Ch. Screw the mildew, yea srew the mildew

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I grabbed the zippleback feet and monstrous nightmare claw and barged out the door to see a surprised Mildew. "Why Mildew?" I said while pointing at the feet and claw. "Why you little brat you may have my things that I made to ban the dragons, but I how you gonna get down there?" he said pointing at the village. I whistled for my deadly nadder. "Come on now Stormcutter." I said as we flew down. I hopped off his back. I raced up to the Great Hall where I thought dad might be. I saw Astrid and stopped so i could tell her what I found. "Mildew stuff, I need you to come with me" she nodded and we ran to the great hall "Dad, come you gotta see these things. I now have proof that Mildew did try to make you ban the dragons." The Vikings gasped at what they saw.

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