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"April, you can't consider what he said!" Isaac stammered, thinking it was absolutely absurd that she was thinking about marrying the douche just for money.

"When'd you start caring? I thought after I helped you, you would go back to ignoring me," April said coldly.

"I do care, April. I really do," Isaac whispered, considering whether or not to tell her his big secret. It was simple, 3 words. I like you, but yet he couldn't do it.

"No, you don't. You're just saying that, please let me marry him and help you. He might treat me the way a girl should be treated," April mumbled.

"You mean a lot to me, you have no idea." He stepped closer to her. "April Monteiro, you mean the world to me." He reached out to place a hand on her back but she stepped back.

"That's not what you said 16 years ago," April hesitated, turned and walked to the window where she always watched the sunset.

"April, I like you. No, more than like. Monteiro, I love you," he shouted, not being able to take the pressure of picturing her with another man. He took a step back, his eyes widening after thinking about what he just admitted to.

When he turned back around, he saw April, the 5'7 figure standing in front of him. "What?" She gasped at the boy that just told her that he loved her. The girl that thought no one would be capable of loving her actually had a lover.

"I like you," Isaac declared, with more confidence this time. April licked her dry lips. "Since when?"

"I've always liked you, the very first day I met you, there was something about you that I loved," he said, inhaling and exhaling.

"Well, I like you too," April choked out. "For real?" Isaac croaked. "Yes," April confirmed, smiling.

"Well then," Isaac said and licked his lips, "I hope you don't mind if I do this."

He leaned in to kiss her and she had let him. After two solid minutes, April pulled back. "Woah," she gasped. "Woah indeed. April, don't marry that horny douche, we'll just kill him," Isaac pleaded.

"Okay, I won't." April had now been standing with a grin on her face ever since the kiss. "Isaac, you took my first kiss," April said. He chuckled and kissed her again.

"Let's go kill that asshole," Isaac whispered.

"Let's do it tomorrow," April said, climbing into her bed.

April's phone beeped.

Isaac - Goodnight, babe.

She looked up and saw Isaac on his phone. "You idiot, night."

"No, text me back. Let's make this our thing," Isaac said. "In time," April replied and ran to Isaac, almost tripping over the carpet.

She hugged him, taking in his cologne, whispering, "Goodnight, this feels like a dream. We'll hunt him down and save your sister, she should be thanking me right now."

"She should, she'd be so lucky to have you in her life," Isaac said, throwing on one of his boyish grins.

"I know Isaac, I know."

April - Goodnight.

"Later Monteiro," Isaac called as he closed the door.


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