chapter 3

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The next morning I got up got change I notice Jeff wasent here.  Weird were is he .I wonder I went to take a walk until I saw Jeff and a boy. The boy got closer to him. He kiss him. Tears came down my cheeks. I ran home.

Jeff POV

"Ugh stop I dont like you" I said. He got mad and left. I got home. I heard liu crying. I went to his room. It was locked. I knock." LEAVE M-ME A-ALONE!" He yelled. "Are you okay?" I said "leave me alone liar" he said. I got my room key. I know this is the same key as his room. So I put the key inside and open it. He cut himself. His face was red. His eyes were full of tears. "What's wrong" I said as I got close to him." N-NOTHING L-LEAVE ME ALONE" he cried. I was about to hug him when he slap my hands away."I was so stupid of believing you that you cared for me." He said " what?" I said confuse " your gonna denied that you kiss the boy?" He sob."m-maybe we should br-".I cut him off.


He cut me off by kissing me.I push him away. "Stop playing with me." I cried. He slam me on the wall. His hands were in top of my head. " I'm not I love you don't you ever doubt it I never kiss him he kiss me I said  I dident like him. I'll die for you don't you ever think or even say about breaking up. I love you liu I love you so much I dont even have the right words to explain it. Dont doubt my love for you please your the only reason I'm alive. Your the only one I want to protect." He said. I started to cry more. '' I'm sorry I believe you Jeff" I said.he kiss me again.

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