MARCH 23RD, 2017.
here we are, nearing april and almost a month of not being with you. and has me missing you gone down at all?
the answer is no.
i now know for a fact that you're reading them. so why don't you just write back to me? i mean, if the only excuse is that you're scared of the outcome, look what i'm doing. i write to you everyday in hopes of you writing back.
do you wanna know how i know you're reading them?
maybe ask harrison. he texted me and said that he was watching you open and read through every single letter again. AGAIN. which meant that you'd read through every one of them once already.
is it that hard to respond? back when we texted everyday, you responded within .5 seconds, and now it's taken nearly a month of heartfelt, depressing letters only for you to not reply at all. i may seem clingy, yes, but is it any different than when we were a thing?
oh wait... it is different, because we're not a thing anymore.