ghost readers + rant!

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I noticed that a couple of people have read my chapters for this misc book and honestly, don't be afraid to comment and vote y'all, I would love if you guys commented, I want to know who you are, I want to know what people are reading my misc, it helps a lot tbh, also I need friends so DM me :') also people need to get a grip and get humor, I have dark humor and I love making dark humor jokes,,, don't take it up the ass like a dick okay??? Deborah (idk who Deborah is??? Lmfao) but seriously, don't take my jokes or humor personal or how I speak personal, I don't mean to come off as a bitch honestly, that's just how I talk,,,if you have a problem with me or my ranting or my opinions, hop off my book and profile and get off Wattpad and go read and play outside 👀,,, because honestly my opinions are probably different from yours and if you don't like it, just go pls lol because I got bashed today on Wattpad for sharing my opinion, for saying something differently, and the person got triggered and shook 😪,,, that person had a problem that I had a different opinion apparently and took it the wrong way and posted about it without DMing me about the issue that they were triggered about, they could've just sent me a DM instead of posting about it, being very immature, the person could've just had the debate with me in private and could've just told me her problem with me, instead of posting about it,,, causing drama :') and people already commented on the chapter/post,,,she directed it towards me because the chapter before that,,, everyone in the comment section agreed with her, me on the other hand, had a different opinion (I was the only one who had a different opinion), but in the chapter she didn't @ my username which is acceptable and fine,,, but she could've handled this in the DMS instead of being an immature user on this site. I swear- people on this site just love to argue with you when you have your own opinion, people just love to bash you just because you have a different opinion,,, and then they assume things out of proportion :') I don't want to mention the things she said because 1. Who knows if she's got nothing better to do then just to bash me for an opinion and then post about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like I said, if you are a toxic person on this app/site go outside and play Barbie's (I wouldn't care anyways) 2. I don't want to @ her or mention the things she said because it would be immature of me to do that,,, 3. I don't want to start any drama,,, however I wanted to rant about this to get it off my chest because it pissed me off???  I guess???

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