20 facts about me!

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Assalamu Alayekum!


I was tagged by Tai898 and sajmra  for this! Thank you for that! So here are 20 facts about me!

1. My name is Kahkashan Jamshir.

I know it's a very difficult and very unusual name but it's not that bad!!! I love my name but I never met someone who understood my name in just one go. People usually take 3 or 4 takes before pronouncing it right and let's not talk about my spelling! Even my best friends doesn't know how to spell it-_-

2. Jamshir is not my actual last name.

It's actually my great great great great great great great (I really don't know where this ends but let's add one more) great - grandfather's name and that's how people in our hometown call us (Jamshir's family). My actual last name is Shaikh.

3. I have many Nicknames.

Keku is the one my family decided and that's what majority of people I know call me. Other names include Cookie, Kokoo, cake, chocolate chips cookie, kakda(don't ask anything about it!), Keko, kehku and the list is never ending. Very few people call me by my actual name and I actually find it weird when someone does!

4.  I'm 20 years old.

Actually 20 years, 7 months, 11 days, 3 hours, 51 minutes and 32 second old!

5. My parents are from two different states and two totally different cultures.

It's not something good! Trust me it's not!

6. I love exclamation mark!

I use it a lot! It does not mean I'm excited or happy or sad or anything! I just love using it! I use it everywhere. It's difficult to control myself while writing a chapter!

7. I love stars.

It's mainly because My name means cluster of stars and also because my best friend was obsessed with it which was why I started liking them.

8. My brother never told me I was adopted!

But I did! I look like my Father, I talk like my mom, my hair are like my paternal grandfather and I say few Marathi words like my Maternal grandfather and my mother was the only one who gave birth that day in that hospital whereas My brother doesn't look or talk like anyone and many kids were born on that day in that hospital, so my brother never had a chance! I still say him that I had a sister which got replaced in the hospital. What do you guys think? It's possible right!

9. I have a daughter!

Naah! She is my neighbour but she is always at my place. She calls my mom Amma(mom) and dad Abba(Dad). Whenever my parents go grocery shopping they first buy all the stuff she likes. She is like a sibling to us but we have 19 years between us so I think of her as a daughter. Everyone in my extended family knows her. She is almost 2 years old and the cutest baby ever!!!

10. I don't have Muslim friends.

I mean I have millions of Muslim friends online but in my offline life I only have one Muslim friend and I hardly meet her. But she is a good friend. My best friends and all the other friends are mostly Hindus.

11. I have 4 best friends.

    2 online and 2 offline 😂

12.  I want to publish my books.

I have many ideas and stories in my mind and I want the world to know them too!  My biggest dream is to become a published writer.

13. sajmra is my favourite Author.

I love all her books and I have my own version of all her books! I hope to write like her one day InshaAllah!

14. Not a great cook.

I can cook Indian food! And it tastes good some times and average most of the time but when it comes to anything else I'm too bad! I love noodles but I cannot cook them! And I'm too too toooo bad at baking! I once baked rocks while trying to bake cookies! and Salt in fried eggs! Uff I never get it right!

15. The easiest thing on earth is to upset me.

I can get upset about anything and everything. People who I didn't even know can make me upset.

16. I'm not allowed to wear heels!

When I was a kid my mom didn't like the idea of me wearing heels. And now my brother and I are almost of same height so he doesn't allow me to wear heels. I really don't know how to walk in heels. All thanks to Bhaijaan-_-( I don't like him much!)

17. I'm a big scrooge!

I hate spending money on anything! I don't like shopping because of that. I remember once I was extremely hungry and thirsty but I didn't buy anything. I feel like I should save for future. Who knows what will happen!

18. My memory is very bad.

I forget everything! This is why if I get some writing related ideas I write them quickly before I forget. I often forget tea on the gas stove! My mom doesn't like me much because of that 😂  also this post took so long because I kept forgetting what I had planned to write!

19. I don't like changes.

Any kind of! I need 3 days prior notice to change my routine or else I will be really upset. I don't even like when My favourite people come and visit me because I don't want to change my routine. I remember once my father, who used to live in Africa that time moved back and I was depressed for few days just because my routine changed. If someone makes sudden plans it's 100% possible that I will somehow change it and we are probably meeting next month.

20. And!!!! I love talking!

I'm sure you all guessed it by now. Its my favourite hobby. I can talk to anyone about anything! Earlier it was really difficult for me to talk to strangers and make friends but now I can even talk to strangers and make them my friend.

My dear friends you all have to do this!!!

StrivingNiqabi iimanmaeen bushrafaris AnImperpectMuslimah janjoona20021 NaeemNaufer MadiyaSaleem Mymouna143 Mehak43 Mariam_elazab11 mirowatt YixingsManal Taqi-Writer maryam_sm Gorgeous_muslimah  Dazzled_writer CastleOfBooks0129 warishaahmed AimanShoaib

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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