Familiar faces

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After I had finished with my uniform i went outside where the officer was waiting. He takes me to where the induction was taking place. Commander Keith, the leader of the Cadets Corps has us all stand in a line where we are instructed to perform the salute. Standing in the middle of the group I can clearly hear the Comamder insulting the Cadets in the front. I don't take much notice to his yammering and avert my attention deep in my thoughts until I was pulled back to reality by a voice which I recognised all too well.

"Armin Arlert Sir! From the Shiganishina District!-----" He continued to speak but from that point on his voice was drowned out by my own thoughts. 'No way.... it can't be...' I'm not sure to be happy or scared. It's been two years sins I had the chance to see him and I passed on it back then... These of all the places. This isn't the best time for us to meet again. Not at all, especially not after I was just..

The Commander didn't end coming to me during the whole of the induction, which was good for me bcause it gave me time to consider all the ways to avoid him and and Eren and Mikasa. I mean I didn't see them but I know he wouldn't have signed up if Eren didn't which would mean Mikasa is here too, naturally.

As soon as it was over I slipped away with the crowed and managed not to be seen, 'maybe it's better if I try not to be seen for as long as I can'. I think as I walk up the steps of what are supposed to be the barracks but what looks more like a small wooden shack, and I sigh to myself.

"Maybe it is better this way..." I say in a raspy voice, something I haven't used much either lately. 

"What is better this way?" A familiar voice? No way it can't be! Kya? I look up in shock as I see Kya and Mi-sa staring down at me from the top of the stairs in the doorway, both in uniform. I froze in my tracks as I looked up.

"Ices why did you have to go and do it? You knew the consequences would be bad" Mi-sa said in a mothering tone. I blinked a couple times before realising this is real and answered her question.

"It was worth a try. If we had succeeded, life would have been so much better for everyone." I explain in a mono-toned voice, still something I have to work on it seems.

"But you didn't, did you? No, you failed and there's nothing to be done about it anymore. I know why you think it was right... but no matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to be everyone's saviour. You know that, right?" Mi-sa says looking straight at Ices with a stern yet gentle expression. Her persistent eyes are quite unsettling so I avert my gaze as a silent tear roles down my face. Her words ring with truth yet it is hard for me to swallow. And as a result to my actions I've being sent off to boot camp for my actions.

"Oh Ices don't be upset! You won't be going through this alone" Kya explains in her usual cheerful voice, her words having me turn my head towards them again. 

"Indeed. As you can probably tell me and Kya have joined the Cadets now too" Mi-sa explains

"Are you out of your mind? Why would you do that? That's just stupid!" I yell at them walking up another step. 'I don't understand why they would even consider the thought.'

"Because that's what friends do, dummy! We support each other, even after their biggest screw ups" Kya says with laughter and Mi-sa nods in agreement, having folded her arms. Her words rendered me speechless. 

"There's no talking us out of it either. It's not like we've be doing much with our lives anyway." Mi-sa says jokingly.

"Guys....you really have to reconsider. You know I can't stand it here and all their rules. So after graduation I'd never go for the MP's or the Garrison... going into the Survey Corps would mean risking your necks for a cause you don't really believe in. And how did you even know I'd be brought here anyway?"

"We waited outside until your trial was finished and asked around." She explains quickly before continueing "But you got it all backwards girly. We are going for our own cause. To stick together. And if that means on the battlefield then so be it" Kya says as she puts her hands on her hips like the queen she is.

"And not just that: I think that you've been missing the point all this time. The titans killed your family Ices. There is no going around it." Mi-sa said it in such a casual way that it caused me to tense up. "If they invaded again more people would die, there is no doubt about it. It is just how it is. And then you couldn't argue that we weren't prepared. If you want to let off steam go do it by killing them instead. And frankly I don't mind blowing off some steam about it either"

"Me too. I mean, I'm not exactly into the whole idea of murder but I won't lose you guys, you're the only family I have left." Kya says ending her sentence in an almost upset tone.

"You guys..." I walk to the them and stand inbetween them looking down before looking them both in the eyes and smile with full sincerity in what feels like forever and tears having welled up in my eyes, over flowing with emotion. "Thank you..."

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