Meeting Damien.

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            *This whole book will be in Alice's POV. Unless you guys ask me to make a POV for someone else in the book. Now go and read!*

                I walked into the yogurt shop and walked over to the counter. "Hello how may I take your order, Bitch?'' I looked at the person.. and we started laughing. "Make sure you dont say that to any of your other customers, Analise," I grinned at her. "Oh, I wouldnt say that to anybody but you, big sis!! And shouldnt you be at work too?" Analise said.

                 "Todays my day off.. and Friday. Remember, Analise WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS, AND SATURDAYS! FOCUS, DAMN IT!!" She looked at me. We laughed. "Oh yeah I'll get a chocolate with sprinkles, cookie dough, brownie chunks, and a waffle slice thingy,"

She rolled her eyes at me. " Right away your majesty, Now go to the cash register!" I went over there.

Analise handed me my large bowl of frozen yogurt, I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "See you at the house," We were bestfriends. Well thats what you would expect from twins!

But were ferternal. I have blonde hair and she has black but other than that we look exactly the same. I was older though. By a day I was born at 11:24 pm.  and Analise at  1:47 am. And were both  19.

                         I went looking for somewere to sit. There was only one seat left. It was right across from this extremely sexy guy. He had black emo stylish kinda hair. And then green eyes to die for. He was wearing a Black shirt that would have been baggy on most skinny people. But he wasnt skinny. 

                    Not like he was fat or anything its just that he was well built. And then he was wearing a pair of jeans that hung low and clung to his legs. Damn, I wonder what his ass would look like. No Alice! No thinking about strangers like that- even if there extremely hot strangers.

                I walked over to the seat. He looked up from his phone and looked me up and down. He licked his lips. Then he looked at my breast. "Eyes up here buddy!" He swiftly looked up. "Damn, Im sorry! Its just that your beautiful,'' I blushed..

       "Thanks,'' I said. He looked into my eyes like he was trying to search into my past. "So whats your name?" He asked. I looked at him. "Alice Johnson,'' I looked at him "What about you?" He smiled. "Damien Holden,'' He said.

                                   ''Pleasure to meet you. So do you want to get to know each other?" I asked trying to be friendly. He nodded. ''That would be nice. Favrite color?" I looked into his eyes. Suprising myself I blurted out.. "Green.. like your eyes. There amazingly sexy,'' He smirked. I blushed.. "Nice to know. But mine is violet like your eyes.. and there amazingly sexy too,'' He grinned. I blushed again.

   I noticed that we were both almost done with our yogurt. He took his spoon and grabbed the last bit of his. I took my spoon and took my yogurt and slowly licked it wile looking a Damien. I didnt mean anything by that but by the look of lust on his face, I had acomplished something.

      "Dont do that, Please," He said. I looked at him all confused. "Why?" He looked at me. "Because if you do that again I dont know if I'll be able to do anything but take you out of here and Ravish your mouth,'' He said looking dead seriouse.

           Its not like I would have minded but I just nodded. He got up and so did I. "How did you get here?'' He asked. "I  walked cause my sister has our car,'' I said. He nodded. "Well can I walk you home?" He asked, looking nervouse. I smiled and nodded. He grinned back.

             We walked out the door and started walking. About half way to my house Damien grabbe my hand to hold. I dont know why I did but I kept it there. Tingles were shooting up my arm from my hand when he held it. I loved this feeling.. I was happy.

              We kept walking and we kept silent. Nobody talked. We didnt need to. Finally we got to my house. He walked me to the front door but didnt let go of my hand. "Lets count this as a first date. Do I get another?" He asked nervously. I grinned and nodded, he grinned back.

           He let go of my hand and I got my keys and unlocked the door. Right as I was about to walk in the door he pulled me back and his lips met mine. Tingles shot through me. I kissed him back. His lips were so soft and smooth. He tasted like mint mixed with chocolate moose.

                  Deliciouse. We kissed for a couple minutes, then he pulled away. I wimpered from the loss of his mouth. He smiled at put his forehead against mine. We were both panting.

             "Call me,'' He said and with that he slipped a peice of paper in my hand and walked away. I went into the house and looked out the side window. He was doing a little fist pump happy dance. I opened the door and yelled

         "I saw that, Sexy!'' And closed the door. I slid down the wall. I looked at the number in my hand.

           For once in my life it didnt feel like something was missing in my life. I was happy and content.


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