Trapped Goddess by achudasama1

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The bruises and cuts are visible this time. She gently touches the darkening ugly green and the angered red spots on her tan skin to confirm their presence deep in her spirit. As the nerve ends send out signals to her brain, her eyes water as they receive the messages of pain.

"When will this stop?" She asks herself this question, for which the response is always the deathly sound of silence. Thoughts of all kinds reverberate in her intellect enclosed within her grey matter; while many feelings run wild within her emotional compass. She knows the time has come to make some major decisions but she still finds herself struggling without a purpose and a goal.

The questions don't stop from making their mark and creating havoc for her senses. They clamour around in protest, carrying their banners that list their demands and await the needed answers that may lie in her depths. The picket signs depict the following:

"What are you going to do?"
"Enough is Enough! When are you going to realize?"
"You are strong. How do you not know this?"
"Leave Him."
"He is hurting you."
"How much are you willing to lose of yourself?"
But she is just so tired and broken. And she loves him. He can be funny, sweet and caring. She reminisces about those days of summer - when the sun was always bright; the birds were chirping beautiful melodies and the gentle movement of the breeze was felt.

On such lovely days, he would tip her chin so that he could gaze deeply in her eyes sitting on the grass. While they took in the sights and sounds of nature together, he would brush her long bangs away from her eyes so that the errant hairs would not bother her anymore. As the light air rustled the green leaves on the trees, he would caress her arms to keep her warm, as if she was the most delicate thing that he had possessed in his china shop of finery.

And that is the problem, she never discerned how or when she became a possession, rather than his companion or even his friend? The transition must have been subtle because she sure missed its manifestation. Maybe it was 3 years ago or was it 2?

Isha shook her head to bring her mind into focus. She has a job to do and that entailed convincing her notions that her Manav, the love of her life for the past 6 years was - no, is a good man. He is going through a tough time right now because of the stresses at work, his parents making demands for a grandchild and her inability to understand or support him.

That is what he tells her every time the 'incident' occurs and he apologizes profusely. Manav also makes it up to her with flowers, dinners out and nice outfits. Isha holds on to her diamond butterfly pendant, that he had given her last time after the 'incident' as she promised him that she would never remove it.

Her emotions scream to her thoughts, making her point, "See, he does love me! He cares. I am just too stupid, naive and inconsiderate. I need to do more in this relationship so he can feel secure."

Her contemplations scoff back at Isha and reply with sarcasm, "Sure, we all see how much he adores you from the cut lip that he has given you. Also, let's not forget the finger marks that are imprinted on the tops of your arms. Plus, the kicks to your thighs and lower back. This is the perfect manner in which a spouse should express their love!"

Isha squints her eyes in defiance and ire as she raises her chin and yells, "All of you, shut up! You don't understand anything."

Her inner voice decides to take the reins firmly in its hands, to control the situation between this human's heart and head. It softly speaks but with determination because it needs to be heard, "Isha, what about the pledge he makes to you that he will never repeat it again? And I believe, last night is all the proof you require to see that this won't stop. He won't change. It does not matter what you do. You have to make a decision!"

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